Monday, March 17, 2008

They Belong To God!

Jesus was questioned about taxes, to pay or not to pay (Luke 20:19-26). As Jesus called for a coin, He asked whose image does it have? They replied, "Caesar's!" Jesus responds, "Then render to Caeasr the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's."
Take a few moments and look closely at your children. Look deep into their eyes. Maybe this is asking too much from some parents. Whose image do they bear? They may have your features or your mates features, but look more closely. Look beyond the eyes, the features, all the physical and see whose image do they bear? It's the image of God!! They bear the image of God engraved on their soul. "Render to God the things that are God's!" School will demand their time and energy and we want them to learn....but they belong to God! They will want to follow their desires at times, not thinking about where their desires will lead them...but they belong to God! Work will will ask them to be diligent and time consuming....but they belong to God! Friends will want their affections....but they belong to God!
I wish parents would exert more energy and time, whatever it takes to make absolutely certain to take care of their child's soul. Parents get caught up in the world too much and offer too much of the world to their children. It is heartbreaking to watch mothers and fathers given such gifts (children) from God and take those gifts to use for the wrong purposes. Recently I witnessed a child telling his parents he did not want to be around "church people." I heard another young child say they did not like any of "this God stuff!" Another child spoke out plainly, "I hate church!" I can only imagine how God must feel, the Creator and One who made that child in His image, only to watch parents take that gift and turn them away from the very One they belong to. When children have little yearning for God, it tells one what mom and dad emphasize. The world hates God and when our children find a disliking of God, take close inventory. Too much world, too little God! The result is everlasting consequences and parents will be held accountable. Prepare their hearts. Prepare their souls to meet the One to whom they belong!


DonnaMarie said...

I spent several years "going to church for the kids' sake" when it wasn't doing them a bit of good since it's our example as parents that is oftentimes the greatest teacher. Knowing firsthand the effect a parents walk can have on their children, when I hear kids say things like that I have to wonder what they're hearing or seeing in their home that has them so disinterested in the things of God. Loved this post - so important!!!!

(You really need to work on a book!) :-)

Anonymous said...

I remember Brent telling me one time that there was no need for him to write a book, the book has already been written. :)