Does it trouble your heart some when you see brethren not dedicated to one another? When we observe our brothers and sisters in Christ with little concern for brothers and sisters in Christ? Have you noticed how some can just easily toss another aside without any thought or care? Doesn't that trouble your heart?
Christ Jesus, before His ascension to His Father called those apostles face to face and told them to go and "disciplize" all nations (Matt. 28:18-20). Disciples of the Lord are those who penitently accepted Christ by admitting their utter sinfulness. They have acknowledge that Jesus is their sin-bearer and immersed into union with Him through baptism (Mark 16:15-16). There is nothing mysterious about it. Those apostles went as the Lord commanded beginning in Jerusalem in Acts 2. About 3000 wanted to know what to do about their rejection of the Christ and Peter spoke the words so many are familiar with (Acts 2:38). But's much deeper than what many see on the surface. Having received the Lord on the terms of the Lord these believers were disciples, they were Christians. Right then and there! The bond between them was great.
They came in all shapes and different backgrounds. Some were weak no doubt while others were strong. Some were gifted while others weren't so gifted. Some struggled with the pull of sin and family while others must grapple with pride, foolishness and the like. Whatever their place was in each of their lives, they were part of Christ Jesus! Their common ground? JESUS CHRIST! Now let me say, if one has no desire to grow into the likeness of Jesus is not a disciple! Disciples, Christian's in the terms defined above share a common struggle and a common purpose: to become more like their Master. It is difficult for some but they stay in there trying in all their weaknesses.
With this common Master and common purpose there is also shared a common bond. Disciples/Christians are brothers and sisters. The Lord Jesus calls them that (Heb. 2:10-11). The fellowship that exists is not because two like sports, hunting or sewing. They are not related because of similar interests. WE ARE NOT OUR PEACE! Jesus is their peace. Jesus is their Savior. Jesus is dedicated to them and that makes us dedicated to one another! To be bound to one another because some are very mature and strong while those weaker are seen as a loss at times is a serious spiritual offense in the eyes of the Lord. It's all about Christ.
Weak disciples that grapple daily with their flesh or family situations are our brothers and sisters because of Christ. We try to draw an idealistic church of Jesus Christ. We need to pursue growth and progress but that's not the grounds of the brotherhood. The church that Jesus built is grounded on Him and His life given for those who are in union with Him and nothing less. Our relationship to one another is right there and no where else! If it is based on anything less than Jesus, it is nothing but a social club not the brother and sisters of Jesus.
Let me ask you, how dedicated are you to the brotherhood? Peter exhorted: "Love the brotherhood!" (I Pet. 2:17) We toss too many aside when they are weak and that reveals a depth of our problems. Give it some thought.
Getting thrown under the bus by a brother/sister in Christ when we fail is very painful. But the Lord is faithful so our enocuragement and strength must come from him. But it does hurt.
You are correct..just ask Paul or John. The real issue is seeing our brethren the way Jesus sees them...He died for them and we must grow in our love for one another! Thank you for your words1
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