Isaiah speaks of Jesus, 700 years before His arrival: "A bruised reed He will not break and a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish." (Isa. 42:3) Matthew records this verse in Matthew 12:20 in speaking of Jesus. We are getting a description of Jesus and His character. What does this reveal to us?
We are all weak in many ways. Some are more fragile than others. It amazes me how many do not see this. Many, especially in the church, think everyone should be this "super Christian" that feels no burdens and if there is worry, they lack a great deal of faith and are condemned. We seem to squelch those who struggle with weakness by showing such "super Christian faith" and it makes those weak hide in shame thinking they are rejected by God and forsaken because they struggle. Let me try to give some encouraging words to those who have struggles who read this blog.
In ancient times, there was a reed called kaneh in Hebrew. It grew up to fifteen feet tall. If one cut it in the proper way, it could be used as a measuring rod or walking staff. It was also used to offer up heavy sponges filled with vinegar to a poor sufferer on a cross! But these reeds were also hollow and had to be dealt with carefully. If bent too far, they would break or if they were bruised, they would snap them off at the bruise to try to use the rest. Sometimes the bruised reed was considered as useless.
Here is the good part...Jesus is revealed as a Savior and Lord that when people find themselves bruised, beaten down and weak, He will not break them off or discard them. Jesus is for each of us that are weak and bruised from life's attacks. We find ourselves looking at us, how weak we are, our failures and how much we lack, yet here is Jesus who will not lean too hard and will not discard you because of a struggle.
They also used lamps that had a small strip of flax in it. When the oil of those lamps got low, the flax would start drying out and give off an irritating smoke. The natural thing to do was reach over with your fingers and poof! - a dead wick that was no longer a bother.
Jesus is shown to us as our Savior that is aware that sometimes, we have failed and struggled with things, where our flame is almost exhausted. We think, "The Lord must surely be tired of me. I should be doing better!" What does Jesus do? He doesn't smother you out. No, gently and carefully He places in new oil, fanning it until it grows into a light again. Jesus is for the weak and fragile people that He died for! That means He is for me. Why is it so hard for us to believe that? Because we always look at us and not Him!!!
Isn't it an amazing description of our Lord? We need to know how much He wants us in heaven. He did not give His life for us to be overcome and lose our souls. He desires beyond words for us to make it. If your faith is weak or stuggles wear on you, Jesus is not discarding you. He will do whatever it takes to help. What's more amazing, before His death His crown was thorns and in His right hand He was less a reed for a scepter and even beat Him on the head with that reed (Matt. 27:29-31). And we question if He really wants us? A bruised reed and a smoldering wick He will not despise....may we give thanks with a renewed faith.
1 comment:
Thanks is about all I can say. I so appreciate you for taking the time to encourage.
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