Sin ruins peoples lives! It makes them miserable, deceives themselves and is the leading cause to depression. It produces a spiritual darkness in the heart and blinds the sight of those involved in sin. People in sin think they are fooling others not realizing how easy it is to see into their lives by their attitudes and actions.
"He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion." (Prov. 28:13) Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult to find contentment and peace in your life? Are you holding to sin? Some people it seems fight to stay in their sins. They don't want to give it up even though they know they should. That's what creates the misery and pain in their heart. Sin means more to them than the Lord! That should scare us. You want to find compassion? You want to find real joy and contentment? You need to be honest about your sins, confess them to the Lord and forsake walking in sins paths! We each must decide. One decision leads to life. The other will keep us in death which will keep us miserable and unhappy and yet, the answer is right before our eyes. The real question is do we really want the freedom found in Jesus? Do we really believe?
A Brief Response...
(I hear the chuckles frome everyone.)
I have to add.....
What do we believe and how much do we believe it?
Is our believe yes/no or all/part/none?
Okay, maybe to brief....
The last sentence should have read:
Is our belief yes/no or all/part/none?
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