Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"Why Are We Here?"

  Have you ever wondered why we exist? Think about this. Is there really any logical necessity for our existence as human beings? We sure didn't make ourselves! Why are we living on this earth? An earth that is filled with pain, turmoil and death?
  We are here! You're reading this! Why? What purpose do you have and why in the world did God make you and me? The Scriptures teach us that God acted in love and created us for His glory and an everlasting union with Himself. Yes, we are created for a relationship with our Creator. Our heavenly Father bestowed upon us an existence of high honor and dignity. Dust, nothing but dust that God breathed life into just to have us in His presence and fellowship. Nothing else created is made in the image of God. That shows us the high honor and dignity on which God set His love on us. Dust given a place in the presence and dwelling of the eternal Father to bring us to Himself forever.
  In the garden we get a glimpse of man walking and talking with our Creator. Our eternal Creator spending time with His created bestowing His love on us. Let's not talk about sin that marred the relationship. God took action to bring us back through His Son! Let's enjoy this relationship. Let's walk with our Creator basking in His love so that we would be to the praise of His glory in His grace (Eph. 1:6).
  Mere dust having a joy with the eternal Father in whom there is no hint of evil. Frail and weak yet we find ourselves being called by His love and why? Why would God make us in His image and bring us to Himself? The only explanation is there is a love, a love that is so beyond our thinking I'm not sure we will ever know until we see Him face to face. But be that as it may, God created us to be with Him in His image! I don't understand that but I'm so thankful, aren't you? 

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