Wednesday, June 15, 2011


We've seen that light come on "Service Engine Soon." It flashes reminding us something is wrong with your vehicle and if it is ignored long enough you will do some damage. We see the signs that flash alerting us to a sharpe curve or steep grade. Signs alert us that something isn't right or there is danger ahead.
What about the signs that alert us about our souls? Our spiritual well being? They don't seem to startle us in the same way. Flashing red lights and warnings are going off all around us by manifesting themselves in various ways: guilt, shame and excuses. We are alarmed at first but the longer we ignore, closing our eyes we hope the pain will subside and we won't feel as badly.
We see it in husbands and wives that drift apart when they should be helping one another. Sharp, uncaring words are spoken. WARNING! Someone is ignoring the Lord how husbands and wives should be treating one another.
People go about speaking evil of another behind their back. God speaks, "Let love be without hypocrisy." (Rom. 12:9) WARNING! That is hypocrisy to gossip or speak evil of another.
Profane words fly from the mouth. WARNING! The mouth speaks what fills the heart (Matt. 12:34). 
We fly out of control with an outburst of anger and vent on another because they upset us. WARNING! That is sowing to the flesh and if we continue that practice we will not inherit the kingdom of God (Gal. 5:21).
If we have warnings sounding off around us, we need to heed and respond with a right heart of humility. If we don't, it will be a matter of time before something tragic will happen and the consequences are eternal.

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