Tuesday, June 14, 2011


It sometimes is sickening the hypocrisy of our society. But what should we expect? Even God speaks to those that have no part of Christ: "For when you were slaves to sin, you were free in regard to righteousness." (Rom. 6:20) Righteousness is not a part of the lives of those outside of Christ. We shouldn't expect right behavior, right thoughts and right examples because they are completely under the power of devil (I John 5:19). With this knowledge, it still works on the sensitive about the deceiving hypocrisy.
We live in such a hypocrisy filled media that it takes our children without their knowledge. That's why we need strong and godly fathers and mothers being a greater influence over them. Our television programs are filled, I mean filled with sexual overtones and permissiveness! They put ratings up on programs to tell us what is adult and what is family yet any of the children have free access to watch anything that bears a strong warning tag. Let's face it, we live in a sex-obsessed culture! Our movies flow with it. Our sitcoms speak openly about it. Our society condones it! Sex has become a natural part of lives just like the intake of food. The Lord didn't intend it to be that way.
We look at the drug world around us. For years the slogan was "say no to drugs." Yet posted all over for us to see is drugs available for every ill, for every situation and for every good feeling. Then the lawyer ads storm in that "if you have ever taken the drug such and such you might be entitled to compensation." Say no! Say yes! Say money! Illegal drugs aren't seen as...illegal! Our children are trusting and innocent and they are so easily caught up into all the hypocrisy not realizing what is happening in their own lives.
While the parents never take thought of the evil that lurks, what chance does the child have? Sin is coming to take away their innocence and take them into the lap of the devil to which they will need the redeeming power of the blood of Christ. And what are parents doing to prepare them? Are parents really looking out for the eternal well being of their children or just letting "nature" takes it's course?
Come Lord Jesus because this hypocrisy just makes me want to throw up sometime!!

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