Our society has blurred the standard of God. People speak about believing in the Lord and loving the Lord but when it comes to listening and heeding, it is hard to find in many lives. The standard by many is, "I'm okay, you're okay, we're all okay!" People do not believe in the wrath of God. They teach and hold to the love of God so much, they lose sight of His holy justice and righteousness. That makes God a big, fluffy 'Santa' that will do nothing to harm and only give us good things. That is a terrible injustice for us to believe and treat God. God is love! God is just! God is merciful! God is righteous! God is slow to anger! God will not leave the guilty unpunished because of His holiness (Ex. 34:6-7)!
People speak of their love for the Lord and yet they live their lives as they please. People speak about faith in the Lord Jesus and do things according to their own way. That's not love and faith. Jesus spoke that those that love Him will follow His commandments (John 14:15). To speak of loving the Lord and not listening to His voice is not love. Faith is not our intellect telling us there is a God and Savior. Faith responds and moves in step with God's word. One can't help reading Hebrews 11 and see that in each and every case, faith responds to the word of God, trusting God without seeing the end result. Faith is not blind as many try to make it. People leap out in blind faith to accomplish something saying God will see them through. That's not faith, that's selfish desires wanting to be fulfilled using the Lord as their safety net. The Lord speaks through His word and faith grabs hold and responds.
We need to realize there is the wrath of God. God points us to His wrath and His kindness (Rom. 11:17-23). We are told that Jesus is the only One that will save us from the wrath to come (Rom. 5:9/I Thes. 1:10). Only those in Christ, under His rule and blood will be spared from the wrath of God. Those in Christ are not destined for wrath but obtaining salvation (I Thes. 5:9). Those that don't heed and respond to God at His word, His love and justice will prevail in His wrath. Both salvation and wrath speak volumes to His justice and love.
Thank you!!
To not understand the wrath of God is to miss the love of God! Otherwise, God would be like us in our natural state...unholy!
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