Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"Jesus Deals With The Powerful"

Too many think of sin mainly in terms of sexual immorality, drunkenness, non-attendance for worship, gossip, lying and the such. Listen carefully, sin is bigger than these things, much bigger! The Scriptures speaks of sin as a "king" that reigns over people, a law-giver with a law, a slave owner with slaves (Rom. 7). Sin hits the lives of every single person on this planet and makes us sick to the very fiber of our souls while we spread this death that pollutes the world around us. This is the power of sin...not sins!
The Scriptures make it clear that God establishes governments, gives them their power and holds them responsible for using that power. Governments are to be used as His minister to help for the good. But one day, those in power will succumb to the power of God and meet Him face to face. Abusers of power will be brought low.
God brought Sodom down, not just because of their immorality but its arrogance by not taking care of the needy and poor (Eze. 16:48-50). Babylon the world ruler was brought down in part because it took advantage of the needy and vulnerable (Dan. 4:27). God sent Israel into exile being plundered and hurt because they too oppressed the poor and needy (Amos 4:1). Using position and power to hurt others is sin at its height, especially against those needy and weak.
One day Jesus Christ will return and will right all wrongs, holding accountable those who use their power to hurt the vulnerable. Those who manipulate their way to gain an advantage of personal treasure so they can live in more luxury and do it at the expense of others, even in the church! Jesus will call into account those who are are not what we think of as sleazy in their lives but those of reputation, of high degrees, highly-respected people who secretly do their dealings behind closed doors.
In the church we have watched elderships try to rule with an iron fist, running over those who cannot do anything about it. They believe themselves above. Preachers who toss aside the older, because they are "old school" and new directions need to come, so these become expendable because they have the power to do it! Members who use their position in the community to try to lord and rule others. Sin shows itself in all these areas too!
Here's the conclusion: there is a day coming when those who have been crushed, walked over, mistreated because they are older or less fortunate will find themselves cared for and allowed to breath free and live in honor. There's a day coming when the powerful will be brought low, when the oily tongued people will be silenced. They will not be speaking to people who they feel superior over, whom they have taken advantage of, whom they have hurt and all the while not realize what they are saying. They will not be talking and dealing with people who can't answer them back, who cannot do one thing about their position. They will be talking to JESUS!


Anonymous said...

Well said brother. Here's a question that I struggle with: What are the brethren to do when someone who believes themselves to be powerful crushes, mistreats and abuses other members of the Lord's body? How do we deal with this while we wait for the righteous judgment of the Lord? How can we best mend and encourage those who are stomped upon and torn down on a regular basis?
I thank God that Jesus is head of His church and He knows everything that goes on.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Brent! I have personally witnessed a congregation where the preacher and elders have dismantled the brethren with their attitude and power. It has grieved me deeply. I personally believe their lampstand has been removed and it is a matter of time before they completely die off. Well stated...and keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Remember, it's not for us to wait for their judgement by the Lord. Our whole duty is to do the will of God through Christ.

While it does grieve us to see this happen, it is not for us to pass judgement on the congregation. Paul didn't do it even in the light of what he dealt with at various congregations. Yes, he did give them correction and instruction as to the right way. He did not pass his personal judgement on them. He's focus, as should be ours, was to serve the Lord completely and fully regardless of the circumstances that we face or must endure. Our time here is brief as is our suffering or the suffering of others. We are to keep our eyes on Jesus at all times and let go of thoughts about what is to become of those which create such wrongs. I'm not saying that we forget about them or ignore them. I'm saying that we keep our faith and focus on the Lord and trust in him to do all. Even if we suffer, we suffer in the name of Jesus. No, we may not be able to change ones such as this, but that doesn't stop us from always keeping the Truth and serving the Lord.

As far as how to help encourage those in this position, we only have to look to the Bible for those answers.