Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"Jesus and His Church"

  Today I want you to get your Bible and read a specific passage. It's found in Eph. 5:22-32.Your first response will probably be, "That's about marriage." Is it really? Yes, it refers to the husband/wife relationship but there is something much greater we seem to miss but the context points us to. There is great value in speaking about the husband/wife relationship found in these verses as it does address that but let's look deeper and see the relationship between Christ and His church. Here are some specific thoughts to provoke your thinking:
Christ is the head of the church! Not some man or central location that runs everything. Christ is the head.
The church is subject to Christ! We don't make our own direction by doing things our way.
Jesus gave Himself for the church! Christ put the best interest of the church at the front.
Jesus is the Savior of the church! We don't save ourselves through our works or merit. He is the only One that saves and keeps us saved.
Jesus loves the church as He does His own flesh! The quote is from Gen. 2:24 and is applied specifically to the relationship of Christ and the church.
Just in brevity from reading through the passages, look at what Jesus really thinks of His body, the church. Now having said that, what do you think of the church? What do you think of your mate? The relationship between you and the Lord is shown in the relationship in the church and your marriage!

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