Just a short remark about forgiveness and offering forgiveness. Peter asks Jesus how often forgiveness should be given when someone sins against you personally (Matt. 18). Up to seven times? Jesus speaks clearly seventy times seven. Forgiveness with Jesus is unlimited. Then here we come throwing in some added angle when we are offended by someone and say, "But what about..." as if to find some loop hole in the heart of Jesus' teachings so that we can stay in fellowship with Him and hold to some hard feeling. Jesus says that's NEVER proper in relationship to Him. "But they never asked me to forgive them!" we seem to chime in. Have you not heard from the cross to a multitude of hostile people? "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34) Not one of those hostile people asked for forgiveness yet the heart of Jesus speaks and if we are in relationship to Him, what should our heart speak? Even Stephen when faced with a hostile and murder in the heart people, his heart beat with the heart of Jesus: "Lord, do not hold this sin against them!" (Acts 7:60)
What do we learn? To be unforgiving against anyone makes you the guilty one if you claim Jesus as your own. People who have been hurt seem to hold to their hurt and unwilling to yield to Jesus with His heart but claim their relationship to Him is intact. I heard from a man who left the assembly of the saints upset at individuals and said he would never return. He has attached himself to other saints at another assembly thinking his worship is acceptable and all the while taking the Supper of Jesus not realizing his soul is dark and his heart is cold and it is coming with a high price. We filter things through our eyes and personal feelings rather than through the eyes and heart of a forgiving God toward us.
As Jesus finished explaining to Peter about the unforgiving being handed over to the torturers, He ended with this sobering statement: "My heavenly Father will also do the same to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother from your heart." (Matt. 18:35) Where does that leave each of us?
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