It was Jesus who spoke that we need to carry our own cross and follow Him (Luke 14:27). I find myself not liking the cross I carry at times, don't you? Each of us is in a different circumstance, a different place in life and sometimes they can be hard. The pounding people take with their health, finances or in their own families can be difficult. Marriages strained. Bad attitudes in the work place. The brothers and sisters in Christ don't act like at times as brothers or sisters in Christ should. (It makes one wonder what "Word" they believe?) People gossip, slander and speak openly to anyone that will listen to their disdain or justification of an action they have taken. It all takes its toll on the sincere of heart trying to follow Jesus.
But wait! What is all this looking at me? Just re-read what I wrote. What do you see? It's all about me (you)! Jesus said to carry your cross and come after Him! We aren't in this alone. It's not about us. It's about Him. When His knees buckled on this earth, falling to the ground praying so fervently for His life to the Father, yet He paved the way of endurance and strength. Jesus the Lord went to God as our forerunner to bring to each of us an assurance that we can make it too! Stop looking at everyone else. Stop allowing the things in this world to distract you. Those days when your cross becomes heavy, stop looking at you and the weight you carry. Let the Lord help! Let the Lord do the carrying for you and know this above all, He endured and made it to show us we aren't in this alone and we can make it too! "Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Heb. 12:2) Yes, the cross part of our lives can be brutal but the Savior of our lives gives us such hope and promises. What you do is determined by one thing: where are you looking for your endurance today?
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