This will be my last blog until May 1, 2012. My uncle who I grew up around and spent much time with their family passed away in Colorado. I will be traveling to Texas to pick up my aged parents and take them to Colorado to attend the funeral. This is my dads brother. I do cherish your prayers as we travel.
Let me leave you with this thought. We are sometimes astounded to see pictures of a little boy saluting over the casket of his fallen father because he gave his life in service of our country. We are proud of the men and women that gave their all for our freedom.
We see children whose life might be in danger and a mother or father giving their life to save the life of their child. It moves our heart to see the willingness to put the life of a parent for their children.
We have read or heard stories of good friends, best of pals laying down their life for the sake of the other. It brings us to tears as we hear the story of how things came about.
Let's keep things in real perspective. How many people do you know would lay down their for the town drunk or the drug addicted? How many people do you know would lay down their life for the murderer, the rapist and those who commit such horrid crimes? The measure of true love is not that God sent His Son to die for us but that He died for us while we were yet sinners and ungodly (Rom. 5:6). Sinners and ungodly people are not good people. They might do some good things but we are still filthy and vile. When we can come to grips with that we will begin to see the true love of God in that Jesus laid down His life when we were His enemy. Don't be afraid to reach out. Don't fear the love the God. Jesus died for Hitler, the Boston strangler, Barabbas the murderer and yes, me and you! Think of it this way...without the death of Jesus for your account, you would be standing next to some of the most vile and ungodly people that ever lived in eternal condemnation being tormented along with them. Your better quality of life does not exempt you from the consequences of sin! Now that's love! And no one will end up in eternal condemnation without being shown love. They simply did not care and rejected God's great love. What about you?