People come trusting and believing you. Some are a little more reserved but they still believe what you tell them. When we speak to others and tell them what we will do and won't do, do you ever think about the commitment you are making to them? When you give your word about a situation or help what are you revealing about yourself?
They were a family in need and had become close to another family. During their time of need the other family had told them they would be more than happy to help them during this time. Days go by and no response. The need grew greater but the words of these people loomed big in their hearts. They would help! Finally the hour of desperation hit and nothing came through. It ended up with words spoken on empty promises and destroyed their relationships and ultimately their relationship with the Lord. Good intentions can never cover up broken words.
Jesus spoke saying that intentions are not what we need but keepers of our words both to God and man. "But let your statement be, 'Yes, yes' or 'No, no'; and anything beyond these is of evil." (Matt. 5:37) There doesn't need to be promises or swearing you will do something. Your simple statement of yes and no is what reveals your character and seriousness before the Lord. Yes and no are binding in the eyes of the Lord. Too many speak so freely with good intentions but never carry out those words. It can do great harm in the heart of another who trusts your words and brings you into a guilt before God by not taking your words seriously.
Our words are binding before the Lord and our words reveal our true character. Have you ever said you will do something and not carry that out? What was your statement? People depend on you and the Lord holds us accountable in our words. Too many have good intentions but have difficulty placing importance on their words that bind. People depend on you meaning what you say and the Lord holds you accountable to your words.
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