Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Let God Speak"

We gather for Bible studies once or twice a week. Announcements are made, people rustling around and getting settled during this time. Once it is all said and done, there is probably thirty to thirty-five minutes left to "let God speak." It is rather interesting the many, many years those have taught bible classes and those who have attended and we are still rather Bible illiterate! There's not a lot of maturity or understanding the things of God. It seems as the years that go by, we just don't "let God speak."
During this time where we should "let God speak" teachers have adopted their personal agendas or thoughts that use up most of the thirty plus minutes which adds to the Bible illiteracy! Topics are discussed or studied like: "handling our finances in spiritual ways" or "ten ways to make our church more appealing" or "making good marriages better." Now please hear me out. (I can see the hands placed over the ears not to hear.) As we continue our "Bible class" on topics dipping in psychology, effective communication, how to be successful in the church or economics no one seems too interested allowing "God to speak." Oh, there are verses pulled here and there which makes us think it is God speaking but let's be honest and look more closely. The word of God is not the focus but the personal agenda of the those teaching. God's word is referred to at best and the other things are categorized or charted and God remains silent.
The class is going to study the book of Luke. What happens? The teacher approaches it like it is some ancient bit of history and the mind set of the people listening is set. We move from one verse and discuss the history and move to the next. In all maybe a few verses are covered and people have no clue what God was trying to teach or the purpose of why God had His words penned. There is a lot of discussion but about what? It becomes like a person who buys a lot of lumber to build something and has no clue what he is building but he sure has the lumber to do something!
The numbers that attend remain steady and they continue to speak but about what? The teacher has spent some time looking and studying and yet here the people sit, most never opened up God's word once during the week to look at the teachings at hand and the teacher asks for their input! Five people speak up and offer their two cents worth, let's say for two minutes each, ten minutes are used up of the thirty and little accomplished. Does all this sound familiar? Let's be honest with all this. When we come together in a Bible study, are we really there to "let God speak?" Is it really God's agenda we have gathered to hear? Here we sit in the presence of God, talking about everything that God is not speaking, having no clue how to apply what God says and make a bunch of statements that never cause us to grab hold of the deeper things of God by faith to move us forward. It makes me wonder, are we really interested to "let God speak" in Romans or John or any other book or are we more interested in our agendas about what we want and know or think than what God speaks?
There is not a simple cure here. One thing is for certain, we need to learn how to "let God speak" so we can hear Him! It takes energy and time to invest in listening to God ourselves so our hearts will desire to bring His thoughts in and let them develop our heart and attitudes. Listen, if we want to study the secular things then buy the books or attend their seminars on your own time. The church of our Lord is the vehicle of the gospel!! God's word is the vehicle of the gospel!! Our gatherings, our studies are to enrich our hearts and faith in the understanding and commitment to the gospel!!! Ideas are trying to be created to draw people's interest and the gospel becomes nothing more than a definition, not a power to save and keep us saved! Say what we want but until the people of God and those teaching the people of God will learn to leave their personal agendas and wants behind and prayerfully approach God with a heart to hear, we simply won't "let God speak"!


Anonymous said...

This is a tough, straightfoward first-hand observation and evaluation of Bible class which is a very accurate assessment in so many ways.

Many that attend class do so out of a sense of duty to God. They "have to go" or they "should go" which leads them to develop an incorrect mindset as to what we are really expected to know about God's word.

The troubling part of this is the teachers, and even often the deacons and elders, are either accepting or approving of such classes or simply do not recognize the situation.

However, the real fault lies with the individual that does not study outside of class and then expects to faithfully apply God's word through only what is taught in class. Responsibility and committment to God's word begins with one's self and then should be carried on in to an organized Bible class.

Anonymous said...

If I were to show this to our preacher he would discount you completely. I hope I am not being too harsh here but our preacher (and a couple of our bible class teachers) says a lot without saying a lot. Lord, open our eyes!!! I mean this with all sincerity of heart and not in a mean way.

Pardee Butler said...

Brent asks "Does all this sound familiar?"

No it doesn't. I've never been to a class that discuss economics or making the church appealing. I don't see anything wrong with these topics and I think it is important to let God speak to us about these if we're interested in them. Maybe when I was a kid Bible classes picked out verses and stories and tried to apply them to my life, but I haven't been in a class like that in a quite awhile. I feel bad that there are people attending classes like you describe. I'm sure I've had teachers who've occasionally ground their own axes during a class, but I believe that all the teachers I've had have been truly interested in try to get what God meant out of the text.

Brent says "Listen, if we want to study the secular things then buy the books or attend their seminars on your own time. "

I think part of the problem you might be addressing is thinking that we have our "own time" and "God time." I'm a horrible person and let God down regularly, but I think God is working me over so that I don't divide things up into secular/nonsecular or my time/God's time. I want to be filled with the knowledge of God's will and progressively my will will be replaced by His. If I'm letting the Lord do His will through me then everything I do will be on His time. Obviously I have problems with this, but it seems to me that if I attend a class with the attitude that this is God's time, but my time is coming then I will struggle with letting God speak to me during the class. If I realize that my time is God's time then I need to hear God speak so I know how to use His time. I guess I'm rambling so I'll end it here.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1...
Burnt seems to prove the point perfectly. He doesn't seem to hear God speak but has his own agenda!!! :)

Brent said...

I would ask that we don't attack anyone please. Burnt is trying to help and his comments are taken in that light. This blog is for encouragement as well as to perk up our ears and think in being confronted with the Lord to the best of my ability. Thank you for all the comments and let's serve the Lord in brotherly love!

Pardee Butler said...

Anonymous 1,

What is my agenda?


I didn't realize my comments were negative. You're description of Bible class doesn't match up with what I've experienced. I'm not doubting that classes like this exist and hopefully those that do experience these classes will be encouraged by your post.

I'm sorry for upsetting folks.

Brent said...

No problem Burnt. I want to teach and help people to God. I appreciate your comments. I don't want to make things where people become fearful to comment. I was trying to encourage anonymous 1 to tone it down a little and not attack!

Scott said...

As I see it, the issue here is, as Brent wrote, "talking about everything that God is not speaking."
I like what someone once wrote, that sometimes teachers treat God's word as garnish, used merely to decorate the teacher's own (or someone else's) thoughts, or serve as a launching pad for his own opinions.
The problem of course is that we trade the word of God for the word of men and the church is left malnourished and weak.
I am glad some have not experienced this in their classes. I enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts on this.

Unknown said...

Hmm... As I have read "let God speak" of Brent's Blog, and some of the commenters's writing, alot CAN BE SAID about what's happening in back of a person's mind and in the depth of a person's heart when time comes to get serious about the eternal word of God. To be comprehensive about it would certainly take more time than one, or a few sittings; which is why, now that I am thinking about it, the Gospel of John ends with Ch. 21 v.25, because the work that is needed for the heart and mind. When people do come together for Bible study, there are indeed eight reasons to avoid drawing attention to secular issues of society: Hebrews 12:1-2, Matthew 6:25-34, Philippians 4:6-7, James 4:13-16, Matthew 7:18-19, James 2:26, Philippians 2:1-2, and Hebrews 10:24-25. Now, an attitude, or a mind that is not being renewed by the Holy Spirit, will show up for Bible study...for a little while; but because Jesus IS the Son of the LIVING God, He judges your offer of worship as is described in Romans 12:1-2; and if that is not the case in the heart and mind of the teacher and listener, consider Leviticus 10:1-3. Finally, if what I have offered in reference to "let God speak" helps, praise be God!