Too many in Christ have nothing to offer those lost. That might sound a little odd, but let's think about this. What do you have to offer your family, your neighbors or friends spiritually? Do we have "religion" to offer or something more? That's why there are all these varied teachings and people cannot distinguish between religions! They all offer one thing...RELIGION! Jesus did not come to offer "religion" but LIFE (John 10:10)! Not human life but the life of God which tells us the majority do not have it.
Judas was an apostle, appointed by Jesus. He saw the miracles and watched Jesus do incredible things, yet in all this, he passed on LIFE from Jesus and exchanged that life for money. When he looked the thirty pieces of silver in his hand, he realized what he had done, where he had lived and found he had nothing to live for despite what he had witnessed. He ended his human life without the life of God. There are thousands upon thousands of humans each and every day who go to the grave, some are our loved ones, and they do not have the life of God. In eternity, people will realize what they had was nothing more than lifeless, joyless, emptiness that was lived for rather than LIFE of God.
People live daily in human life never knowing the LIFE of God. People who have been very unfortunate cannot delight in much because all they know is disappointment. Others have learned how to be takers without one ounce of gratitude for what they are given. There are those enslaved to bitterness or hatred that will never know the possibilities for joy because the life they live in bitterness is enslaving.
Tens of millions just shrug at the name of Jesus while "partying on!" To them, Jesus is a bore and kills their lives! People who have professed Christ, who assemble in the name of "religion" are bored with the message about Him and bored with those who represent Him. Just look at our assemblies and we see those sitting, just going through things because that's what "religion" demands. We want our lives, we want entertainment and find things that appeal to our senses. There is too much "eat, drink and be merry" to even bid Jesus the time of day!
What do we have to offer? LIFE from God! Too many who profess Christ are trying to prove to the lost world around that you can fun and be in Christ too! What a horrible thing to portray to lifeless people! you really want the life of God? A life that brings power and a joy that cannot be touched by experiences good or bad. John wrote in his letter of I John that they saw the LIFE! It was in Jesus and it had a profound effect upon him.
Let's not try to compete with the non-believing world at the level of entertainment. Let's not try to make things look "religious" to attract others. We have a message, a LIFE giving message found in the form of Jesus Christ that will enrich all who come into this LIFE. Yes, the majority will probably walk away and not pay attention but the LIFE of God still bids them come. The church has forgotten the message while trying to fit in with the lifeless. Jesus Christ - in Him is LIFE, the LIFE of God! What do you have to offer?
I offer love to God, who first loved me.
I offer all to God, who gave all for me.
I offer, as my whole duty, to fear the Lord and keep his will.
I offer my desire to seek first the kingdom of the Lord.
I offer all that I am even though it is not, and never will be, enough for the grace and mercy given to me first.
I offer to worship the Lord in truth and spirit every first day of the week not out of duty, but rather out of love for Him who died for my sins and the sins of the world over.
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