Let me say a few words today about one of the greatest things that can endanger the soul. Some people live their lives this way with such normalcy, they think it is...normal! You have been around them or maybe you are one of them. I had an individual who on a weekly basis would stop by my office and it flowed from them with such ease. What am I speaking of? GRUMBLERS!
The term "grumblers" (some Bible versions use the term 'murmurers') literally means "to say anything in a low tone." In other words, it is always spoken quietly to others. Most "grumblers" are careful not to be heard but they want to make sure others hear, if that makes sense. Grumblers express an indignant displeasure for a situation or person. In Exodus 16-17, God's people in their wilderness journey were grumblers and it cost them their lives! They never entered God's blessings because of it. They displayed their indignant displeasure at grumbling against the lack of food, the lack of water and their leadership. In all, God helped them more and more and they continued to grumble.
The warning to us: "Nor let us try the Lord, as some of them did, and were destroyed by the serpents. Nor grumble, as some of them did, and were destroyed by the destroyer. Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the end of the ages have come." (I Cor. 10:9-11)
We have been given an example that grumblers will not make it! Grumblers were destroyed. That should get our attention. God is not tolerant of grumblers, complainers, backbiters, gossiping, bickering brethren. For people to do such, something is wrong with their heart. Jude speaks of such people in the church that are ungodly: "These are grumblers, finding fault, following after their own lusts; the speak arrogantly, flattering people for the sake of gaining an advantage." (Jude 16)
We need to be careful and not be a grumbler. Our words and conversations should express faith in God and His word. Instead of grumbling at the leadership, the way things are gone about, line up with the Lord and help. There one will find the strength and insight to understand how to better help a situation than run down the situation while expressing your discontent. At that point, God must deal with you as a problem!
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