Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"Who Is Your God?"

If someone was to ask you, "Who is your God?", what would you say? Most would probably no doubt say Jehovah God, who created us. People claim the God of our Savior, Jesus Christ and the Father of mercies. Many recite something they have learned about God or have some deep conviction about the God they serve.
Have you ever thought that the God we say we have a relationship with and the god we actually serve can be two different gods? A person's god is what he cares about and who they serve on a daily basis. A person's god is where we place our money, sacrifice for and give our thoughts daily to.
In the days of Rome, the Romans worshiped Mars, their god of war. Today, we would consider such as ignorant and empty but is that really true? Let's think about this. We hold our nation to be great because of the high technology of our war machines and bombs. We boast of military superiority. In this, many take their security in this false god. "The Lord looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men...The king is not saved by a mighty army; a warrior is not delivered by great strength. A horse is a false hope for victory; nor does it deliver anyone by its great strength." (Psa. 33:13,16-17)
The Romans worshiped Bacchus, the god of wine, drunkenness and sexuality. What do many serve and think about today? The goddess Aphrodite was the goddess of sex. Look how many are obsessed with sex, pornography and the things tied to this. There was Venus, the goddess of beauty. Look how many are obsessed with physical beauty, surgeries to enhance their physical appearance.
With the above things, maybe we need to ask ourselves again, "Who is your God?" What drives you or what do you sacrifice for in your life? What do you talk about the most and controls your thoughts? It takes an honest heart to look at this.
Paul knew his God and he served His Savior and Lord with all his heart. Jesus taught that no man can serve two masters. It is impossible! (Matt. 6:24) God has first place in our lives or we serve a different god (Col. 1:18). Paul taught the pagan Athenians, "...for in Him we live and move and exist." (Acts 17:28) Paul taught Timothy the young preacher, "...for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day."(II Tim. 1:12)
We have needs in our lives but it seems many have more wants than needs. Our desires can easily become our god. To expend our energies in pursuit of education, recreation, literary achievements is not sinful when kept within their means. To some, these things make them who they are! They become their love and pride. I recently had a preacher telling me of the years he put in for his high educated degree and he said he deserved respect for it! It had become his god and he didn't even realize it. The God who died for us, calls us to choose Him, to follow Him with a whole heart, forbids us to follow any other god whether it be a drive, need, person or object. He calls us to make Him the center of our thoughts, actions and desires. We need to please Him in all respects because He is worthy and capable of filling our each and every need. Who is your god?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Inspiring words and ones we need to hear often so we search our hearts to find where it really is. Thanks!