Here I am, 54 years old and still trying to learn what it means to be a father! All my children are grown and married and I have been blessed with 3 grandchildren. As my children were growing up, I made a lot of mistakes and still do. I can remember some things I messed up with Tawn, my oldest. I had never had a girl before, much less a teenage girl, so I had no practice runs! It was 'on the job training.' Terrill came along in growing up and I had never been a father to a son, much less a teenage son. I made mistakes with him too as I had to learn as we went along. Terrance was my third. I made mistakes with him too, trying to be a better father, but often failing. But in all the above cases, I can say I honestly tried to the best of my ability with the little insight I had.
Listen, we parents mean well. Sometimes we are selfish, demanding, impatient and at times, overbearing. Things we ask of our children may see so unfair in their eyes, but we do mean well! I only wish our children could realize that we never mean them injury or harm but only want the best for them. Maybe our children need to be reading this!! Parents love their children and want to see them make wise, sound choices that lead to heaven.
Listen parents, your children do not need a mother or father who is indifferent. What a lonely world some parents make for their children by showing little interest in the lives of their children. I know of fathers that the only time they speak to their children is when they chastise them. Other than that, there is little communication between them. What a lonely position a child is placed in. And parents wonder why their children pal with problem causing kids. Let me assure you, parents who communicate little with their children need to realize their children will find someone, even if its problem kids, to share their lives with. I have witnessed girls who show up with horrible choices of boys simply because the father is too busy for their girl and she found someone showing interest in her life. You young parents, things may be well right now as you have little ones, but they are going to grow up and you have some issues you will face, so you better be dealing with some things now! Parents, children do not need a home run like a boot camp either! The barking out commands and demands that put such a strain on the heart of the child is what will make them loose heart! And parents wonder why their children want to leave home! Children do not need parents that are 'loosy goosy' standing for nothing! That's a horrible environment for children to be in. Children don't need to be friends with their parents, they need a mother and father who keeps their word, who gently directs and encourages, disciplines when necessary and shows mercy at the proper times. I realize sometimes it is difficult to learn the line of balance but we need to be striving to learn that line. Some parents are so 'loosy goosy' that they allow their children to dictate how the home is run. It will ruin everyone. Some parents allow their children to throw fits, have a bad attitude and simply overlook it as part of growing up. If that is allowed, it will come back and haunt you down the road. Training...our children need training just like parents need training.
Yes, I made my share of mistakes and will probably continue but I can say this, my children seem to love to come home! Home does not seem to be a bad memory for them. Their home life I pray was cherished. I don't tell them about my mistakes because they know them too well but I love them and I will continue to love them, correct them if they are wrong and above all watch them raise their children, hopefully with the godly principles their mother and I laid down.
This kiddo reads your blog and loves our family even with all the trips and bumps along the way...its part of family and who we are and I love you for who you are and raised us to be.'re going to make your dad cry! I wish other children would love their parents the way my children love me. For that, I cannot find the words...thank you is too shallow. I love my children...ALL OF THEM!
Very well said! I've made MORE than my share of mistakes as a mom and am sure there are many more to come, but God has been patient and merciful! I pray all the time that God gives me and Joe the wisdom to raise our children to love us, their home and most importantly their Savior!
Thank you for your encouragement and example!
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