Monday, January 26, 2009


John came preaching repentance for the Jewish nation, preparing the way for Jesus. People were coming out confessing their sins and being baptized (Matt. 3:1-6). John made certain the people understood that just saying "I'm sorry" was not repentance! (Luke 3:7-9) True heart repentance leads to a change of direction and lifestyle. Godly repentance produces fruit and visible fruit is product of a repentant heart.
Many times people say they are repentant for what they have done or practiced but in reality, all they do is just feel badly or sorrowful for what they have done. "I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance; for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God, so that you might not suffer loss in anything through us." (II Cor. 7:9) Read the words carefully! " were not made sorrowful, but sorrowful to the point of repentance!" People feel sorrow but it is nothing more than an emotional response. They do not change their hearts! To be moved by sorrow, that moves one to doing the will of God, that is true repentance. "For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world produces death." (II Cor. 7:10) I have seen too many, during an emotional struggle speak of repentance or openly admit to their failures, but they never have a sorrow that leads them to doing the will of God from the heart. It is a short lived, emotional response only to turn into the same road again. It is a repentance that will lead one into death! No life of God! Little desire to change their attitudes toward the Lord (or the ones they hurt)! It is simply sorrow of the world and there is little fruit involved.
Years ago, there was a fellow in the Lord's body that had mistreated his wife until she left him. It hit him hard and he came forward, admitting his wrongs. But I was disturbed about what I saw. There was very little change in his life. He still seldom came to the assemblies and Bible studies were definitely out of the question. One day he walked in my office to speak. As we were going through things, he opened the door for my thoughts. I shared with him I can see what is coming down the road if there aren't some heart changes. I spoke to him that he would eventually meet another woman, get emotionally involved wanting to marry her, the elders will tell him 'no', it will offend him and he will leave! He said that would never happen!! Guess what???? It happened almost exactly the way I said.
I am not a prophet and do not claim to have any special insight. There are patterns and as one studies God's word, you can see those patterns. Worldly sorrow or sorrow of the world will only produce death. Godly sorrow will lead one into doing the will of God, producing a repentance without regrets which is seen in a changed life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen. This more true than we want to admit sometimes.