Jesus' words are plain and clear. "And his lord, moved with anger, handed him over to the torturers until he should repay all that was owed him. My heavenly Father will also do the same to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother from your heart." (Matt. 18:34-35) To be unforgiving is not tolerated by Jesus or God. There will be severe punishment for all who refuse to forgive another from the heart. How many times have we heard this, know this, yet we still hang on to hurts, resentments, deep seated bitterness toward others who have hurt or taken advantage of us? For some, the hurt is so deep, they want to see the one "pay" for the damage they feel that has been done to them. Others seem to embrace the feelings of resentment because if they let it go, the offender will get off free! What all this reveals is how little impact the cross makes upon the mind, heart and lives of those who claim to love the Lord!
The other day, while playing with my granddaughter, she hit her head on the edge of a table. Her head began to bleed from a small cut. After getting her calmed down, holding her, she looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes. She smiled. I told her I was so sorry for her hitting her head. She laid in my arms for while, then slowly sitting up, she looked at me and said, "Grandpa, everything will be alright because you said you were sorry! I love you grandpa!" The ability of children for willingly, freely and lovingly to forgive, no strings attached!
You hear the words of Jesus, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matt. 18:3) Jesus expects heart changes and attitudes from us because of His sacrifice or we won't make it! Heart changes and attitudes are connected directly with His dying in our place. The effects of His death in our stead are seen in our ability to forgive and forget as easy as a child. An evil, unbelieving, hard heart is a heart that refuses to forgive. It sure isn't the heart of a child and not even close to the heart of Jesus. Read the opening verses again carefully. Jesus was using His teachings to show being moved with anger against those who are unwilling to forgive. His compassion, His love and mercy are wasted on people unwilling to let things go and forgive. It puts Jesus in one position: a position of judgment. It's not His choice but ours. He'd rather embrace and help but people that refuse His mercy by being unforgiving forfeit His mercy. Jesus is driving home a serious and eternal point. How easily do you forgive?
Those that have sinned or wronged someone, many times they have beaten themselves up over what was done and need to be shown mercy. Our tendency, as you point out, is to want justice, not show mercy. We want to make sure someone suffers as they have made us suffer. I am sure glad Jesus doesn't treat us that way.
And all I can say is "Amen". Too many excuses are made not to forgive! Things like "you don't understand" or "you don't know how they made me feel". Those are the ones the death of Jesus has little impact on because they are self consumed and do not see their own need in the sight of God! Thanks Dale!!!
Nothing can keep someone from totally leaving Jesus more than being shown mercy when they need it most. On the flip side, we run the risk of pushing a brother/sister even farther away from God by demanding justice and suffering of the offender to make us feel better, which is a fleshly response.
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