The book of Revelation (remember, not 'Revelations') is a book written like the prophets of the Old Testament when they preached to God's people. It is a book of images to make a point.
One of the greatest misapplied text in the book is found in chapter 13 and the meaning of 666. People today refuse 666 in their address or a phone number and many other things because of the misinformation of what this means. If one would carefully read the picture of the earth beast (13:11-15), you will find the earth beast has one purpose only: worship the first beast from the sea (13:12). He deceives those who dwell on the earth using signs (13:13-14). It might make us aware that not all signs are from God! That's why we follow His word, not signs! If those on the earth did not worship the first beast, they were to be killed (13:15)! Would the saints need encouragement? Would they need some strength from the Lord because of the position they would be put in? To top it all off, the earth best gives a mark on the right hand or forehead on everyone. What if one refused this mark? They could not buy or sell (13:16-17). The power behind the both beasts is the devil/Satan (ch.12) and he has one goal in mind: destroy the people of God (12:17). Would this situation make things really difficult for God's children? Would it be a real life struggle? One can either have the name of the beast or the number (13:17).
What does all this mean? The wisdom of God is always available if we will just listen (13:18). The beast is not really a beast, it is a man (13:18). John writes that one can caluculate the number! What does the word calculate mean? There must be something to adding up numbers. This was common in the first century. Today it is not common for us to do this. For instance, on the walls of Pompey, there was writing which said, "I love the woman who's number is 545!" Instead of her name, they had written the number of her name. The Greek alaphbet has numbers that correspond to each letter. We have the same in our English alaphbet. At the end of Webster's New World Dictionary, there is a mathematics chart of numerations. It shows the Greek alphabet and the corresponding number. Each letter has a number value. You add up the number of the value of each letter in one's name and it that is how you calculate the name. The name of Jesus in the Greek totals 888. That is why 13:18 starts with, "Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast..."
Whoever this beast is, and he is a king (ch. 17), they would know by calculating his name in numeric form and it would add up to 666. Just a little hint and I will list the kings later, the king will be Domitian! It is amazing that the earth beast demands marks on the forehead or right hand or one could not buy or sell. To encourage the saints, ch. 14 begins with the Lord marking His saints with His name and the name of His Father!
I am just trying to help us stay within the teaching and not jump off some end like so many do. Remember, this book is the only New Testament book that has a warning about adding to or taking away from it (22:18-19). To have this kind of warning, do you think Jesus would make it so difficult that one could not understand? Just leave it to what it says and let it reveal each step to us. You will be surprised at the simplicity!