Each and every year we head to Colorado during the summer for a two week break. We go about the same time, to the same place with great anticipation. I love it and look forward to it. Many wonder why to the same place over and over. Because it has become a place of refreshing with family and friends that refresh me. Over the years we have introduced so many to the camping experience in one of the most beautiful places in all of Colorado. I have been from one end of the state to the other and I have not found anywhere as beautiful where we go. It's really out in the boonies! But the beauty is only a small part of it. The renewal within that always takes place is the main reason. Many have said they look forward to my preaching upon my return because of the insight gained to God's word. You see, I can read for me and think for me. No sermon preperations, no classes to think about and no articles to write. Just a time to sit back and meditate on God's word.
I have heard from families that come with us telling me that it was one of the best vacations they ever had. No electricity, hauling water, a campfire, a stream and lastly, no modern bathroom facilties as most know. Most would say 'Yuck! What kind of vacation is that?' But they have never experienced a real family vacation! It's about FAMILY. Without televsion for two weeks, no radio, running from show to show, no entertainment or amusement parks and the modern things we live with daily, it forces families to interact, to be with each other and talk. That is what is missing is many lives today. I have seen mothers and fathers well up with tears saying that being together like that made them work as a family, something they had never done or experienced. Oh, you stink a little, get a little dirty but the value of becoming a family that talks, works and thinks together is, well I'll say it: PRICELESS!
I am aging and the memories I have of my own children make me smile and fill with small tears of joy. My children share these as some of the best times of their lives. Even today, as each have married and started their own wonderful families, they still speak and want to go camping to Colorado. They are bringing their mates along for this experience. I don't know what my "new" children feel about all this but they seem to enjoy it and they bring a joy to my heart as I have taken them into a world that slows down for a short time. I love them all beyond words.
One day it will all be gone and over. Memories of the past that will be laughed at, joked about and stories revisited but the heart felt meaning will never change and I pray that my children will only show their children and grandchildren the importance of being a family, while remembering one day, we will all live in a place where only righteousness dwells and thank God for His wonderful gift of His Son on our behalf and that for eternity! Enjoy it now and the joy that awaits will not even compare.
Can we leave NOW for Colorado?? I'm ready!!
I got tears in my eyes just reading this and knowing...it's all true!
I got tears in my eyes reading this, and I've never even been to Colorado! It's what I know we want for our family - the closeness here (sharing time together and making memories) and the looking forward to that day when we can all be together in the presence of God for eternity! What a glorious "homecoming" that will be!
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