Friday, October 3, 2014

"The End"

  After several years of writing and my work load changing, the time has come to discontinue my daily blog. You can still access the many articles if you so desire. This was a difficult decision knowing many read this daily but it is a necessary decision.
  I want to encourage each of you, be prayerful and listen carefully to God's word. Let Him speak and direct through His word. Learn how to properly apply Scripture and not use His word in ways that were never intended. If I could ever be of help or if you continue to have questions, please feel free to write and ask. May God bless your walk and build your faith as you give Him access to your mind and heart. Be transformed by renewing your mind (Rom. 12:2). You cannot transform yourself! Remember that! Only God can transform and that happens as you give Him access to change your thought process and your heart to change your actions. Man can only conform on their own. God wants to transform us into the image of His Son (Rom. 8:29). There is the secret to true spiritual growth. May God richly bless your life as you change into His ways!


Anonymous said...

Thank You MR Newton

Anonymous said...

Thank you Brent for your writings and your spiritual insight of Scripture. I wished we had others who studied and sought for the truth from God's word as you have. You are a wonderful example, a godly man and we are so grateful that you have stayed with us so long. Keep preaching and teaching!

Anonymous said...

Brent, I've enjoyed your blog very much and have been helped by it. God bless you as you continue to do his work in other ways.

Anonymous said...

Will miss this very much.

Anonymous said...

Just don't ever stop preaching/teaching. You are one of the few that stay with the Scriptures IN CONTEXT and it is faith building!