There were three young men in their teens standing in a room talking. They didn't know I was there but I heard their conversation. "Did you see what so & so was wearing today?" one teen exclaimed. "It's more what she wasn't wearing! You could see her underwear. She didn't even have to bend over." That was troubling no doubt.
We have come upon that time of year when the dress of many becomes so revealing that many a Christian goes right along without any thought. The world around us is steeped in sin and dead spiritually. They have no notion of God and His ways and frankly, don't really care. That attitude is revealed in their dress and walks right into the lives of many saints. I'm sometimes shocked at the lack of soberness and awareness of God's people in what they wear.
Whether we like it or not, people draw assumptions about us based on our physical attire. The focus of your life can been seen in your outward manifestations both by actions and wear. It's that simple. Jesus said the mouth speaks what fills the heart! (Matt. 12:34) Solomon noted this in Prov. 7:10 where he speaks of a woman coming to meet a man "dressed as a harlot and cunning of heart." Interesting there is a recognized look in the dress and is associated with the heart. Paul speaking to Timothy speaks of a woman who makes a claim to godliness that there should be proper clothing (I Tim. 2:9-10). "I'm a Christian!" What is proper? What is modest for one claiming godliness? First, their good works should adorn them. Second, their outward clothing should be addressed as clothing that is modest and discreet. It carries the idea of not calling attention to ourselves and well arranged. It is also a quality that must be part of the character of an elder (I Tim. 3:2 - "respectable"/"good behavior" - same idea as modesty).
What is your goal? If we are citizens of heaven, if Jesus is our sin-bearer and we have been cleansed by His blood from all unrighteousness, where should our focus be? On the Lord Jesus and watching that our hearts aren't carried away! The apostle Peter spoke to the women that they need to concern themselves "with the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God." (I Pet. 3:4-5) The heart! That's what the Lord desires. When our hearts are pursuing other things, our lives begin to reflect that. Our attitudes become more like those around us and the result, we will walk and look like the lost!
I will never put a harness on anyone to what is modest in attire. I will only point that if the men and women are dressing their hearts and their bodies, they will dress for God! They will adorn their heart with proper attitudes and desires which will translate to their bodies offered to God as a living and holy sacrifice that pleases Him. Dress for God! Living and holy! Dress in ways that honors God! Dress in ways that will not call any attention or give any attempt for anyone to lust. Listen, we don't want anyone to draw a wrong conclusion about our focus in our lives. Yes, I know there will be those who will look upon a woman no matter what she wears. Jesus addressed that. They have a serious heart problem before the Lord. But if men and women would dress for God, put emphasis on the saving blood of Jesus, it should lead each of us into holy behavior and godly attire which means a sincere faith and consciousness that we don't call attention for others to desire us for what we wear (or don't wear)! Dress for God! It might be time to rethink our lives and how we go about our lives both in heart and body. DRESS FOR GOD!
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