Thursday, August 23, 2012


  When we speak of unity within the body, that is clearly God at His height. It is God at heart. Unity is God seen among the lost. The church belongs to Jesus, not us! Yet here people go and see nothing wrong or even justify actions that shatter the image of Jesus. Jesus taught the power of unity and its effects on the lost world (John 17).
  Over the years I have watched God's people hurt one another intentionally. I've heard accusations fly that are nothing but twisted things to make it seem like something its not. I've appealed for the Lord's cause of unity only to get accused. Paul called the Corinthians back to Jesus when he asked who was crucified for them (us) (I Cor. 1:13-14)? They were exhorted to be one under the name of Jesus. Too many times we place our wants, our thoughts ahead of everyone including Jesus. The result? Division and hard feelings.
  Paul told the Corinthians that he had heard of their divisions that existed among them. Those divisions had created factions (I Cor. 11:18-19). But they did serve a show those who are approved! There didn't have to be any justifications from among them. The actions of unity and harmony proved the relationships of those with the Lord over those dividing over preachers and hateful attitudes toward one another.
  Unity is a God given element! Unity is Christ at His height! Unity is the proving ground of our likeness to Jesus. Unity is being humble and tender toward those, even if we disagree because the Lord's interests are what we serve. Paul even took it to the point that even if someone has been defrauded by his brother, he has a case of any kind, "why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded?" (I Cor. 6:7) Doesn't that sound like Jesus? They were reminded they were all washed, justified and sanctified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! (I Cor. 6:11)
  What about us? What message are we really sending? We need to build within each of us more Christ-likeness. Unity is the complete expression of God and His holiness.

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