Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"What Kind of Man?"

  It was a great storm. These experienced fishermen had been on rough water before and in many storms but this one was different. They believed they would perish in this one. The men on the boat came and awaking this man Jesus, asking Him to save them (Matt. 8). Jesus did not respond as they had hoped. He pointed out their fear because of a lack of trust in Him. They had little faith and great fear. Jesus rebukes the wind and the sea and the calm ensued. Then came the response from their mouths: "What kind of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?" (Matt. 8:27) These were His disciples and they didn't know THE MAN, Jesus Christ. 
  Fear is what allows people to always see the worst in situations. Fear paralyzes. Fear takes our hearts away from looking to Jesus and looking at the present situations we are facing. Fear keeps one from allowing the peace of Christ to rule in the heart. Fear keeps us from allowing Jesus to have the final say in all matters. As our faith grows in Jesus, as we come to know "what kind of man is this", fears begin to leave and trust begins to grow along with assurance.
  The ultimate solution for all our fears are found in I Pet. 3:14-15. The weaker we are the more prone we are to fears and it can be very difficult to overcome. "And do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled." (v.14) When the Lord gives us instruction, He expects us to trust and follow. How could the Lord expect such from us? Is this too high to achieve? Here's the reason: "But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts..." When fears hit, when people intimidate us we have to make a choice, a faith response to the Lord. Sanctify Christ as Lord in your heart!!! You have to choose who will be your Lord. Either fear, intimidation's of others or the Lord. The disciples allowed their emotions to determine things and their fears ran high. Emotions completely dominated their thinking. Too many today allow their emotions to determine directions and outcomes. The disciples had no clue who was in the boat with them. What about you? When you sanctify (set apart) Christ as Lord in your heart you will begin to settle down. Jesus cares but one must exercise faith on their part for this to take effect. God never complicates matters. He simply waits to see if we have any trusting faith! Little faith, great fears. What kind of man is this? You will determine with your heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Thank you so much for today's writing.