Today is an odd day for me to write my blog but I will be in the travel process on Monday. Let me help you with something in life called "burnout"! Too many get burned out of their jobs or pursuits and in the church. We go so hard, so fast and furious that we find ourselves...well, tired and bored. What really causes this? What are we to do? I will use my many years and share what I see.
First, burn out is the result of no intake or lack of fuel. We all need nourishment and need to have the proper nourishment. That means it is more than just getting rest and relaxing. "In pointing these things out to the brethren, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, constantly nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound doctrine which you have been following." (I Tim. 4:6) "Constantly nourished" is the key. If one is "constantly nourished" that means it gives no rise to burn out. Paul said it to the church at Corinth this way: "Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day." (II Cor. 4:16) Too many try to relieve the outer man and day by day the inner man starves. The result? BURN OUT!
Secondly, learn how to say 'NO' to people. People want our time, demand our time and we are put into positions to be made to feel obligated to them. It is okay to say 'no'. When you say 'no', there will be those who will set up a house on guilt street and use that on you. However, in the Lord we have the privilege to say 'no' in situations and it isn't wrong. Guilt street wasn't built by the Lord but by demanding people who want to try to control you. "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Rom. 8:1) That's what my Lord says and if someone tries to condemn there is something wrong with their thinking!
Lastly, remember not everything depends on you! It's not because you do something or don't do something that determines an outcome. God is what every thing is dependent upon. Some people have ideas they would like to do and act like the whole church is based upon their ideas. Sometimes we have things we would like to see implemented in the church but the rest see no need. What do we do? Get upset. Take a bad attitude as if everything depends on you or your idea. It is God who determines if something is worthwhile or not. God raises up people and He doesn't. Read your Bible and see how many times in the Old Testament (a comparison of the New Testament church) when God needed His people for a particular thing, not all were involved but those who were moved helped. (See Ex. 35:21-22) God causes all growth! God causes everything to move forward and it is not dependent upon me! I just have to be humble and try to do what I can when I can and let God have His way! "So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy." (Rom. 9:16)
Burn should not be for us in Christ Jesus! Take in nourishment daily. Say 'no' at times especially when you feel pressured. And learn things don't advance just because of us.
Thanks for these thoughts, Brent. I've been starting to feel a little burnt out lately and this definitely helped.
Great thoughts! Makes us refocus.
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