Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Getting Old"

  My age is creeping up. I've seen a lot of things over the last 31 plus years of preaching and teaching. I've heard a lot of things spoken, been in circumstances looking back on them wondering how I survived and watched some of the most heart-wrenching things that sometimes still bother me if I allow my mind to go there. I've have heard, "We need teachers that can identify with our young people. Someone closer to their age.!" I've heard, "We need a preacher with some fire!" Many have said, "We need men in our pulpits that can invigorate us!" and then there is, "I think it's time for you to leave!" There are other forms of similar statements and they could all fit under one of these statements.
  I have moved from youthful energy to seeing more wrinkles, slower responses and my energy isn't what it use to be. I know I am not far from being replaced by youth. But looking back, in my own ignorance and youth, I have realized what I thought I knew, I didn't really know. I had a lot of things on correctly but I also had a lot of things that I missed. Maybe it's because I am getting old but I am starting to realize the wealth that I have gained from the Lord. Please note that's not a statement of pride. I don't know why the Lord allowed me in my ignorant state such insight. 
  Recently I had a family come speak with me and they wanted to 'pick my brain.' It was interesting to listen to them ask about insights or wanting to know exactly what the Lord would say in such. I asked them why they were asking for answers in these areas. They responded by saying that because of my years I would know more than those younger. Then they asked me what I was going to do with my gain over the years in regard to the word of God. Was I going to write some commentaries for future generations or some books? (Does that mean its time for me to be put to pasture?) It was touching to hear them voice their thoughts but there are enough commentaries and books out there and we have the best book ever written if only our preachers and people would study it with honest hearts.
  My insight and knowledge have been reserved for my own children. I have started writing down classes I have taught, insights into the word of God I have gained and I will give it to them. I have given them their first completed book on Colossians. I pray they will use it wisely and realize the things I have shared they won't get from a commentary. Yes, I am aging quickly and my value to a congregation will probably diminish with each year now. I will hear "We need a preacher that can identify with the youth." What I am is thankful, so very, very thankful for being able to serve my Lord! Never in my dreams would I have ever thought my life would take the journey it has. May God be forever glorified.


Anonymous said...

You may be a little long in the tooth Mr Newton but you are a long way from being ready to put out to pasture!

Anonymous said...

I personally think it is very shameful for people not to take advantage of your insight and knowledge. You have so much understanding and insight. Do others come and ask? I know I have. I pray our congregation can realize what we have with you and not take you for granted but having said that, I too give thanks to God...for men like you!