Our society is geared to the strong, the grand, the outstanding winners! It has become a worship of such. How many advertisements have you seen about the "ordinary" or "Mr./Mrs. Average"? Beauty, youth and being number one are what our world drives for and is built around. Many want to rub shoulders with the record breakers and be known themselves as someone great. And this mind-set and desires have walked right into the church of our Lord! Let's be somebody's, let's be recognized, let's be a "mega-church" seem to drive so many. But let's turn for a moment and look at Jesus. Jesus didn't teach, "What we need is BIG faith to do BIG things for the Lord!" Listen to His words: "If you have faith as a mustard seed..." (Matt. 17:20) in speaking to His disciples. "...but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant." (Mark 10:43) What does our desire for greatness and being number one lead to? Finding the super motivating evangelist, the smile crazed youth ministers with talent out of this world and people who has charisma and charm.
I suppose people who go after and reach for all this hype would probably have rebuked Jesus in the garden. Listen, God has never looked and is not impressed by our greatness!! Just look at all the instances that got the attention of Jesus. It was those small and insignificant people in the eyes of man. People who served in quiet, humble ways while others never knew. Those who kneel in prayer when their heart is breaking because of a loved one having gone astray from the Lord. Those who find encouragement in the assembly because of fellowshipping with the Lord in His Supper because of the battles they face during the week.
God used a lowly Hebrew named Moses to bring down the powerful Pharaoh. The Lord God used an ordinary, simple servant girl to get the great Naaman to Elisha, who in turn sent him to the dirty Jordan Rivers for cleansing. God raised up a common shepherd boy to destroy the great and might giant warrior of the Philistines. Jehovah God sent a breeder of sheep (Amos), a herdsman who lived in the desert, to go to His people to get them to repent. God brought John from the desert, a man lacking royalty, eating locusts to pave the way for the Savior of the world. When our Lord entered this world, the King of kings and Lord of lords didn't come in greatness, pomp and majesty being born in a high class family. He was an ordinary Jew and looked like an ordinary Jew. When Jesus tried to teach about God, people took offense because of His humble, ordinary background (Matt. 13:54-58). God used fishermen and those of lowly positions in life to get a gospel message to the lost world. God reminded the Corinthians that the great and mighty was not God's way (I Cor. 1:26-31). No, it isn't about the great and strong winners that society drools over. God is for the humble, the weak and hurting. He's concerned for the down-trodden and those who fail trying.
The next time the zealous lacking knowledge, fireball Christian, with all his arms waving and schemes pouring out of his mouth asks you, "What great things are you doing for the Lord?", just humbly ask: "Does praying for the lost count? What about trying to lead my family to heaven while raising my children in the Lord's way count? Does it count that I am trying to lead a godly life quietly and humbly in the presence of ungodly co-workers? Does being honest count?"
This is something we tend to lose sight of, in our society, a good reminder.
Well said. Thanks for sharing.
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