Tuesday, December 20, 2011

"Across The World"

It makes things a little sober and maybe even a little scary for me. When you write, you never know who is looking and you sure don't know why. When you realize where your blog is reaching, it brings a seriousness about what you write. I get many emails each week from all over. I have conversations with people on the phone. In the whole, sometimes people ask me to address this or that which I try to do if I think it will be beneficial for all. Sometimes what I am asked to address is not for all so I write to the individual personally addressing their thought or question.
I have a section where I can go under and see where this blog is read and it was rather insightful and shocking. Over this month of December here is the breakdown:
United States - 413
Nigeria - 128
Russia - 53 
Germany - 51
Saudi Arabia - 34
Hungary - 19
Philippines - 8
United Kingdom - 5
France - 3
Georgia - 3
India - 3

That opened my eyes. Not that people read my blog but where they are from. Sometimes it can be someone accidently coming across the writings as a mistake which you know happens if you are searching for something in particular. My blog started as a result of my own family, especially my lovely daughter, asking me to start one up. I never realized where it was being read. I want to teach. Sometimes I get my point across, sometimes I don't do so well. In any case, thank you for reading. This is not some ego thing with me. It takes a lot of effort each day to write something. If I get to a point where I feel this is no longer a useful tool, I will shut it down. Thank you for those who encourage me in your personal notes and emails. Above all, I ask you to pray for me. Pray for the lost souls in our families, in the church and in the world. Pray fervently. Devote yourselves to prayer. We need to realize that we don't believe in prayer but God, that's why one prays. This will be my last posting until next week, Dec. 27. To all, have a safe and blessed time with your family! May God richly grant you His grace as you grow in the knowledge of His word.


Anonymous said...

I sure hope you keep writing. I share you thoughts with several. Thanks Brent and may God bless you!

Lesa G. said...

That is so great that so many in other countries are being reached. I am so thankful for your blog..and hope you keep it up too! Thanks for taking the time to encourage and help so many.

Scott said...

Wow, this is great. Saudi Arabia was the country that I was most surprised to see on the list. Keep up the good work, Brent.

Anonymous said...

I rarely comment on your blog but it is some good reading. You challenge us to look at God in many different, accurate ways. I know your time is valuable and I want you to keep writing...have you thought about a book???

Anonymous said...

With all due repsect to Brent's wisdom, insight, and love of people and God's word, the book has already been written.

Brent said...

I love it from anonymous!! Well said...the book as already been written!! Thank you all.

Anonymous said...

Just keep writing...that's all that is asked. Some people write and write and write...they say so much and you have no clue what they saw when they are done! You're very clear both in your teachings and writings. God bless!