It nice to know that many read my blog. It is definitely not an ego thing with me. If I felt this wasn't helping some, I would simply quit! However, I do get a number of personal emails that never post on the blog. Thank you. I am not the best at writing and I am learning as I go. Many say I write like I that has me concerned! I spend more time on content than the wording of how something is said but I do need to get a little stronger at my wording. I have had the blessing of some English majors correct me on grammar over the years and I am thankful for them. One dear lady who was an English teacher, while laying in a hospital bed days from her passing could barely whisper. I leaned over to hear what she was saying. The words, "It's me..." then she paused. I couldn't figure it out. Again she said, "It's's me!" I looked at her daughter who was by her side and she leaned over her mother to figure out what she was trying to say. She put her ear almost directly over her mouth, stood back up and said, "Mom said it is 'Jesus and me', not 'Jesus and I'. Teaching me to speak better and I was listening.
Well, I will be away and not post again until Sept. 12. May God richly bless each that read and I give thanks to everyone who helps me and is patient with my weaknesses. Thank the Lord for His mercy and grace to a weak and struggling man! Be fervent in prayer.
Eveveryone that knows you knows ego is not part of your makeup. Have a restful vacation and we will look forward to your return.
And spelling is obviously not part of my makeup. I meant everyone.
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