Today I was reading some interesting things. My writing today is more for fun than serious. I guess that's my state of mind. I came across an article that caught my attention and thought you might find a little humor in it. I hope you enjoy it as it is about interesting facts. You might even find yourself saying, "Really? Are you kidding?"
Babies are born without knee caps.
In an average human life, a person will grow 590 miles of hair.
No matter its size or thickness, no piece of paper can be folded in half more than 8 times.
Coca-Cola was originally green.
No word in the English rhymes with the words: month, orange, silver or purple.
9 out of 10 people believe Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. This isn't true: Joseph Swan did.
The revenue generated from gambling is greater than the revenue from movies, cruise ships, recorded music, theme parks and spectater sports combined.
The word "queue" is the only English word that is pronoucned the same way when the last four letters are removed.
If you counted 24 hours a day it would take 31,688 years to reach one trillion.
I thought these were interesting and hope you did to. Have a great day. Be prayerful, be thankful, rejoice in the Lord and listen to His word.
1 comment:
They say roses are red and violets are purple
Sugar is sweet and so is maple surple
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