Monday, October 4, 2010

"The Purpose of Scriptures"

Too many are using God's word for things it was not intended. Some have the idea that dotting every "i" and crossing every "t" is what it is all about. It is extremely important to follow God's word but we must have an understanding of the central purpose and everything else works from that. What do you think is the central, main purpose of God's word? To prove your stance or beliefs? To wear as a badge of honor as to why you are right?
Jesus had an encounter with the Pharisees about the purpose of God's word in John 5. They completely missed the purpose. "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life..." Notice their thinking of Scripture? They sought out the Scripture to prove they are followers of God and that possession gave them eternal life. Here is Jesus' reply: " is these that testify about Me." (John 5:39) The Scriptures are not a badge or guaranteeing of eternal life. They are testimony about Jesus. They are given to show us the Christ and how we relate to Him.
Paul reminded Timothy that the Scriptures are what gives a wisdom that leads one to salvation through Jesus Christ (II Tim. 3:15). John says his book was written so people could come to believe that Jesus is the Christ bringing us to life in His name (John 20:30-31). Paul reminded the Corinthians the things that were of first importance (I Cor. 15:1-4). Jesus rebuked those under the Law saying they neglected the most important matters while focusing on the lessor (Matt. 23). They missed Jesus! There are things that are more important to the Lord than others. The word of God is to explain God's purpose through Jesus and everything relates to Him.
To miss the purpose of God's word is to misunderstand it! We need to listen to God's voice telling us about His purpose through Jesus. God's word is bread to be eaten, not analyzed! God's holy Scripture is get us to come to terms with Jesus!
Begin your study in the New Testament and the liberating work of Jesus and how God wants us to respond to it! How we stand in relation to Jesus Christ is the issue that must be settled before any other question can be dealt with properly. It's hard to love without understanding the Christ that loves. It's difficult to forgive without understanding our relationship to Jesus and His forgiveness. The church is missing something as it seems to's JESUS because we miss the central thrust of God's word.

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