Have you ever thought what was on Jesus' mind that night before His arrest? Before He was captured as some criminal that had evaded authorities? The Scirptures tells us several things were on His mind but what is simply amazing is how Jesus 'functioned' knowing what was coming. How many of us, when things get difficult and stresses hit our lives, it almost immobilizes us? We can't think, move and fretting leads the way. Jesus told His disciples over and over what was coming and He knew it!
First, Jesus knew that His hour had come and His entry into our world as man was going to collide with His bearing our sins (John 13:1). He was having a face to face meeting with incredible turmoil. Secondly, Jesus was aware that the Father had given all things into His hands (John 13:3). His fate would be met with full assurance from the Father. Thirdly, Jesus knew where He came from and where He was going (John 13:3). He came into our lives as us and understood that from His childhood He had a task at heart and never ventured from it.
What do we learn from all the above? Jesus acted on and chose love which led Him to servanthood! Here was One who possessed all authority and all power and what did He do with it? In the face of great evil, sin lashing at Him on every side and He held the power to explode on everyone with judgment and power, and He simply loved and served. Jesus was aware of what was going to happen but His heart of love, set on the will of the Father took what came and found Himself alive, seated at the right hand of God still possessing all power and authority. He became our sin bearer!
We sit and read and our hearts are touched by His great love for us and yet He calls us, not to march on the world, to fight injustices and battle those in earthly authority but simply to serve. We are called to have His heart and stand on the truth of His word! He is King of kings and Lord of lords and will bring us safely to Himself. He guarantees our ending if we would just simply trust and obey with His heart.
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