I guess I'm on a preaching kick this week. I'm not sure why other than it makes me take an honest look at me in light of the Lord. Those who stand before the people of God, either in class or the assembly, need to realize the need. Jesus went about healing at times, helping the weak and compassionate but in each and every case, He taught. Jesus did more than just meet needs and cater to their bodies, He taught truth because they needed truth, they needed light, they needed the words of God as revealed in the gospel and covenant!
That leads me to this: those who profess to be called by God to minister the word need to pay attention to their calling! Too many are involved in every civic organization and other earthly projects in their community. These things aren't wrong in themselves but they can taint our calling and a little here and there of our preaching/teaching starts being filled with such. The role of holding up the God of the covenant in the blood of Christ is something that is most serious.
Preachers add their little ideas of psychological therapy which they have gleaned from a few books. They are entertainers, a few jokes, a little comical to 'loosen up' the assembly. They try to reach the emotional aspect of the listeners lives with little tidbits here and there. It all becomes quite a show because we are so focused on being liked and well received. Now please don't thrash me here. There are others that are so harsh and lacking sense in their teaching, you are left wondering, "What in the world was that all about?" You leave confused with not one morsel to feed upon. These are some observances that has caught my attention over the years and it seems to get worse. I have gone to "monthly preachers meetings" in the area and not one word about the seriousness of our roles in line with this gospel and covenant.
If you're a preacher and reading this, why not think about the last sermon you preached. What did you teach about God? Who heard God? Did the saints hear you, focus on you and your life? Who heard about God who came to us in Jesus Christ to deal with our sins? (It amazes me how so many in Christ do not even know they are saved! The best is they hope they are! No assurances because we aren't sure of our God.) Who heard about God's eternal purpose to give us fullness of immortal life so that we can live in a God-imitating way and peace with one another? Who in our sermon was confronted with God? Does anyone know where the power of God lay? Not in the preacher!!! The gospel for pity sakes!!!
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