Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"Put Up Your Sword"

Judas knew exactly where Jesus would be as he had often been there with Jesus (John 18:1-3). The mob approached carrying swords, clubs and torches. They also had a Roman cohort with them (600 men). Jesus asked whom they were seeking to which they responded, "Jesus the Nazarene." (John 18:5) The signal, the mob was waiting for the signal. Silently Judas approached Jesus and kissed Him. The kiss of betrayal was the signal (Mark 14:44).
The disciples had two swords, one which was on Peter. Peter had sworn his allegiance to Jesus telling Him that he would fight to the finish. The showdown had begun. As the mob leaders reached out to seize Jesus, suddenly Peter pulls his sword and cuts off the right ear of Malchus, the slave of the High Priest. Peter was well equipped to use a sword. But what happened next was most surprising. Peter demonstrated his willingness to stand and fight for His Lord but then came the words from the mouth of Jesus: "Put your sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword." (Matt. 26:52) Jesus reaches out and heals the ear of Malchus and Peter puts his sword away.
Peter was willing to fight against such great odds but was he willing to accept the will of God? Jesus had told His disciples over and over that this was going to happen. The test of faith was being presented. Could Peter accept Jesus' arrest and ultimate humiliation? Could Peter watch the betrayal kiss by one of their own and do nothing? Could Peter trust Jesus instead of his sword? The test of faith was at its height.
What about us? Do we really trust Jesus? I hear many say they do but when the time comes to do battle, we are quick to "take up the sword." Sometimes we are hurt by the rash statements of others. What does the Lord say? "Put up your sword and forgive them!" We want to fight back when offended, we want to take a stand against an attack of words and we put up our walls with attitudes toward certain ones to make sure we aren't hurt again. Jesus speaks, "Put up your sword and forgive! Do them good in return!" Our emotions take us down a road that we believe justifiable to strike back. Jesus speaks, "Put up your sword and pray for them." There is real test of faith! We are asked if we harbor any ill feelings toward another, go to them and forgive them, be reconciled to you brother, forgive and forget, put on a heart of compassion and be tender-hearted. Sometimes people disagree with us and what do we do? We either trust Jesus or fight back with an attitude. Sometimes we are helping people stay in the fight because we stand there with them in their fight rather than encourage them to "put up their sword" and do what is right! Jesus says, "Put up your sword and go the extra mile." Are we willing to walk where Jesus walked and wants us to walk? That depends on if we have a genuine heart of faith!
Remeber our Lord's words to Peter: "...for all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword." And many wonder why their lives are so miserable and messy!

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