Monday, April 5, 2010

"Beware of the Forces of Darkness"

Many do not realize what is happening around us. It is not something visible one can see. It is spiritual and powerful. We are reminded that the struggles in our lives are not caused by other people. There are invisible forces of wickedness, world forces of darkness that the devil is behind and wants to destroy your life (Eph. 6:12). Too many are living like each day is what life is about going around with their jobs, pleasures and families. This invisible, spiritual world is as real as you reading these words. It would frighten us to know what was actually happening in this spiritual unseen world. That's why we need God and in tune with His will.
The devil is doing all he can to make people not take eternity seriously. That's why people are living like there is nothing to face, nowhere to go but simply exist from one day to another. We live in a temporary environment! This is not reality. Reality is eternity. That should be our focus and desires. The devil is doing everything he can to blind minds from this reality. We see it all the time. Forget God, question God, take no time to thank God, no seriousness about being saved from our sins, little desire to want to know more while our lives pile up with pleasures and enjoyments that are blinding us to what is going to happen. There is nothing wrong with enjoying your life and family. When those things take precedent over the Lord and His will, the blinding has begun! In fact, we find from God's spiritual world that we are warned that the god of this world, the devil, is blinding the minds and the true saving gospel is veiled from those who are perishing (II Cor. 4:3-4). The perishing have no concern for salvation from the Lord! If we need salvation, that should teach us something other than what we see and take our lives seriously as something is headed our direction.
I watch people, who once thrived for the Lord, thrilled they were saved and that relationship with the Lord led them into fellowship with one another, only to walk away, thinking nothing is going to happen or they have nothing to face. They hold to this hurt or disappointment, excuse their actions because of the disappointments and feel completely justified for living the way they live. There are those who help support those who think and live this way. The blinding, powerful forces of darkness has overtaken them and they can't see what they need much less what is coming.
Hold the Jesus! Hold to the life saving gospel of Jesus. Rejoice in your sins forgiven because of Jesus. Live as you are living for eternity because that will determine your directions and decisions in this life. Once in eternity, everything is set and there will be no more decisions made.


Lesa G. said... are back! Missed your blog! :)

Anonymous said...

Am I ever glad you are back!