Monday, November 3, 2008


I am not a political person. Many of our politicians are so corrupt and power hungry, it drives them to depths of deceit and arrogance. Someone asks, "If you're not political, then why this blog today?" Here is the answer: I have received several personal e-mails asking how to determine who to vote for. I am very cautious when it comes to giving my opinion about things in a public manner and this is no different.
What seems to escape the notice of so many, especially among those who claim Christ, is the lack of looking to God and His righteousness for their answers. Too many get caught up in the smooth and flattering speech and taken in by that deceit. Too many are easily taken captive because of a smooth talker, never looking at anything deeper. Even in the church, Paul warned the Roman brethren: "For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Jesus Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting." (Rom. 16:18) I realize Paul is speaking about those in the church who cause hindrances and dissensions, but the application can be made here too.
Here is what God's word says about nations: "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people." (Prov. 14:34) Our nation is definitely not a nation of righteousness. I'll share that in a moment. God spoke through Isaiah, "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" (Isa. 5:20) What is this all about? In selecting who to vote for, you better consider which person stands closer toward the principles of God's righteousness. I am neither Republican nor Democrat. I am simply a child of God that prays for our nation. We are a nation on the decline because of our ungodliness and arrogance. Righteousness exalts a nation! Sin ruins a nation! We have become a nation that is voting to defend gay rights, something the Lord abhors. We have become a nation that kills babies! For Senator Obama, he has already taken California because they always go for the Democrat the majority of the time. Since he has an over-whelming lead there, he is now running ads (I have a cousin who preaches/lives in California) to push the people to vote 'yes' on one of their amendments to repeal the state constitution law on marriage and change it to same sex marriage. The Lord must be disgusted! Our nation has been over-run with the idea of accepting gay marriage. If that offends, God's word says that homosexuality has no part in the kingdom of God (I Cor. 6:9-10). Secondly, the abortion issue. The killing of little babies is abhorred by God and Senator Obama supports it!
Based on these two principles alone, take a hard look at the righteousness of God. Vote on the righteousness of God, upholding God's values, not man's! It amazes me how little people look to God and His word when deciding things in life. God designed marriage between a man and a woman. Children are a gift of God (Psa. 127:3) and we should not murder them. For any person to support what the Lord abhors, that person will never get my vote. Hold to God, listen to God and look to God. He will have the ultimate say in our nation. In the meantime, pray for those in authority so we can live a quiet and tranquil life in all godliness and dignity! (I Tim. 2:2)


Anonymous said...

Our country has legislation protecting not only bald eagles, but also their eggs (unborn, fetal eagles). There are fines imposed with these laws. Yet our country doesn't protect the human unborn?

Also, our country has laws that charge people with double manslaughter or homicide if a pregnant woman is killed. What is the difference between this an the abortion provider? Is it based merely on if the child is wanted by one person?

Brent said...

What a great application of the hypocrisy of the leaders of our nation! We are definately on the decline...