A friend of mine said that he would like to preach. I asked him why and he said, "I've taught some Bible classes and people have told me I would be good at it! It got me to start thinking." Most people only see a very small part of the work of an evangelist on Sunday's and Wednesday's. The majority never see the struggle in study of God's word and the time spent in prayer to know what to teach/preach. You have to deal with disturbing situations among the brethren. You see brethren, have little interest as they sit "boringly" while God speaks and there is nothing you can do for them. Sometimes you become the target of some, listening for any misspoken word or something misstated in their mind so they can correct you. Some constantly complain about something someone else does or complains against the elders. Some have bad attitudes and you can do nothing for them. You deal with those sick, families in crisis and those outside of Christ and their ungodly ways. People threaten you at times and you deal with fleshly brethren who do not even realize they are fleshly and it makes it difficult (if not impossible) to get them to understand spiritual things. You watch some walk completely away from the Lord which creates a deep heartache. You deal with marital issues in which some are very sensitive. You must be prepared to deal with those struggling with mental issues, depression and confusion. In the whole, you deal with your own family and meeting the needs of your mate. For someone to think about preaching just because they taught a few classes and get compliments needs to seriously read I & II Timothy and Titus to see what is expected of the preacher. Why go through all this to preach?
Isaiah, a prophet of God, offered freely to go preach/teach God's message to God's people (Isa. 6). But he wasn't expecting the insight he received from the Lord. God explains this people he would be preaching to has insensitive hearts, their ears are dull and have no understanding (Isa. 6:10). Isaiah asked the question, "Lord, how long?" (Isa. 6:11) How long is Isaiah going to have to preach to this kind of people? God informs him until He devastates the majority of them! (Isa. 6:12) What a message for a preacher to hear, knowing little result will happen in your preaching. Why even bother?
Jesus tells His own apostles that they would be mistreated, some of the scourged and killed for preaching God's word. Why go through all this?
Paul explains to the young preacher Timothy that he will be persecuted. Brethren will turn on you , some will leave the faith and others will be ungodly in their attitudes and actions. There will be those who do not want the truth but their ears tickled. Why would you want to preach knowing all this?
At times I reflect on all these things. It becomes clear that God needs preaching and teaching of His truth just to save some. Too many are preaching that have no business preaching. They do not understand the need. Jesus died for us! He didn't just die for me but for all. He died for me when I didn't care and was rebellious and someone reached out with a saving message. Thank God for such! You labor and strive because of your hope (I Tim. 4:10). You persevere because the Lord wants people saved and you realize your life is hidden with God through Christ which keeps you safe. But in all of this, you hear the word of the Lord speak this it is a good fight and taking hold of eternal life (I Tim. 6:12). That's what I want! It's not about personal gain or loss in the eyes of people. It's about salvation, being driven by the death of Jesus knowing without someone trying to help, all would ultimately be lost. In the end, it will be worth it all.
I have read and re-read this posting several times today. What wonderful insight it is for all of us! On the other hand, it is very sobering too. Speaking primarily to those of the body of Christ, please let me expand on these thoughts a little.
Wonderful insight……
First, we should all be very thankful for those that preach and teach. Ephesians 4:11 tells us "And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers," (please read Ephesians 4:11-13). Where would we, as members, be without those who were given? Keep in mind who gives them too. Remember what we are told in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 “But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction, and that you esteem them very highly in love because of their work.”
Second, knowing that someone is working diligently to accurately handle the Truth should bring joy to our hearts. This is not even remotely an easy task given all that tugs at us in this physical world. Paul mentions many times the struggles that were faced and those to come. As mentioned in the posting, there are struggles and trials for those that do. What was shared in this posting is something that is often not apparent. We often forget, or put aside, just exactly what it takes to preach and what is endured by those that do preach the Truth.
Why would this posting be sobering? Just look at the struggles faced by those that preach. Even though we are told to “appreciate” them, how often do we, as members, do that? It saddens me to realize that the ungratefulness of the world spills over to those of the body. We take those that teach and preach for granted. We “require” them to be near perfect and flawless when it comes to rightly dividing the Word; however we, as members, are unwilling or unable to invest any time whatsoever into rightly dividing the Word ourselves. When was the last time you opened your Bible outside of Sunday or Wednesday?
Reflecting back (without guilt) on situations in my own personal life I find that I have done some of what is mentioned here in this posting. I have taken problems to those that preach expecting “the answer”. Well, to be honest, the answers are always there in God’s Word and I was gently reminded of that very thing. Yes, sometimes we do need to seek help and guidance. My point is that we, as members, often look for the “preacher” to solve our problems and to give us “the answer.” Believe it or not, I have seen members that will routinely go to a preacher and ask if “this or that” is okay with God’s Word. They seek the approval of the preacher in what they want to do or what they seek to believe. We get caught up in “our” problems and “our” world. The answer is always God. Seek out what God says and LISTEN to it. Don’t say or interject anything.
I would encourage all of us to spend more time in God’s Word. Take responsibility for yourself. We should be supportive of those that preach and teach. Reach out to them with love and a tender heart. We should not take them for granted nor simply know them from the two or three hours a week we spend with them.
If I have offended anyone with this response, I do apologize from my heart. My intent is not to tear down, but to remind each and every one of us (myself included) of our responsibilities as members.
The reward is eternal.
Wow...you floored me and encouraged me at the same time! What a remarkable heart for the Lord to whom I give thanks for you!
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