Wednesday, December 28, 2016

"The Law of Arrogance"

  There are laws God has placed within this world that no man or woman will violate. One such law is reaping and sowing. You will reap what you sow. Many know this but few seem to take it to heart.
  There is another law God has placed in this world without exception: "God is opposed to the proud, but give grace to the humble." (I Pet. 5:5/Jam. 4:6) God does not give any grace to those whose hearts are arrogant and prideful. Why? Because they will not listen or accept correction. But those humble, both in mind and heart, God gives to them His grace, His undeserving favor. For the humble, God freely gives the things that are needed in your life. Sometimes things can change quickly in life but if we can know the law of grace and God will give me what I need to help in life's situations, humility guarantees that.
  One of the greatest insights to this law placed within this world is Daniel 4. King Nebuchadnezzar was the world ruler in Babylon. God allowed Babylon to bring down arrogant Israel. God sent men preaching/teaching His word but Israel would not listen so the people were warned if they didn't humble themselves they would suffer severe consequences. God is opposed to the proud and the pride of His people saw their nation taken down by an ungodly nation. Daniel and Ezekiel are both in captivity in Babylon.
  King Nebuchadnezzar had a vision and no one could explain it until God brought Daniel forward. As Daniel began to explain God's intentions, the word of God rang out: "...until you recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whomever He wishes."  (Dan. 4:25) The world ruler on earth is not above or greater than God! God ultimately decides what takes place and man must recognize. If we could only believe this in the church today!
  After the warning King Nebuchadnezzar did not heed. His heart was too proud and God allowed him twelve more months to get his attitude and heart corrected. Nothing changed within the kings heart and God removed his sovereignty and the king was driven from mankind. What a collapse in huge magnitude! God rules and will always rule and His law of opposing the proud will always stand even if you are the world's greatest!!
  Sometimes people have great success in their life through jobs and many live comfortable. They might have a personality that draws others to them and things seem to come easy. Arrogance begins to settle in heart and upon ignoring God they fail to realize God is greater.
  Honoring God and being humble to listen and take in His instruction will guard you from a lot of difficulties. Humility is what gives people the ability to hear and heed. God's gives His grace to them freely. But those who think they are above or refuse to take instruction, they are on a course at some point directly in God's opposition. Our lives cannot be consumed with us!! Our lives are to reach beyond us and reach out to regarding others as more important than ourselves (Phil. 2:3). How many know that? How many practice that? God's grace is only for the humble. The humble of heart do not have to earn His favor. God will be there guaranteed! 
  Pride will destroy you sooner or later. God's law will see to that. If we believe in this law, it becomes much easier to humble ourselves knowing the outcome no matter what we face. "Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord; assuredly, he will not be unpunished." (Prov. 16:5)

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