The statement was something like this, "I know that I need to get back to church." Have you ever heard someone say that? You learn a lot about people when you hear such statements. Getting "back to church," for them is evidence they are in right standing with the Lord. It is like a merit badge or a proclamation of worth. The Pharisee prayed, "God, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get." (Luke 18:11-12) In his eyes, he was the center and all revolved around him and his righteous works. That's how many see their worship or going to church.
In order to understand worship we must realize our salvation. Salvation is a gift of God through Jesus Christ. It is not something you earn because you go to church. To go church is not getting you into fellowship with God. Fellowship with God is maintained through Jesus Christ. To worship in spirit and truth does not get you into fellowship with God either. We can debate all we want. We can puff out our chests and proclaim our relationship with the Lord is because we do this or that, but it is of no use. Salvation is not about us or what we do. Salvation is about what our Father did. When you stand before the Lord, the only thing that will matter will be does Jesus recognize you? You won't be asked anything. God will be looking to Jesus and His acceptance of you. "But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God..." (Galatians 4:9) To be known by God is what we need. One can say they believe in the Lord but to live in faith, in relationship to Him is recognizing what a great salvation we possess, because of Him.
Worship is not like punching a clock at work. "I'm there every time the door is open." Punch my card, as I've earned my place. Those who need to get back to church speak they need their card punched again and all will be well. People can go to church and never worship. They can be dead inside. No heart, no sincerity of faith, just simply acts of worship. True worship is much more and much greater. To worship the Lord in faith comes from a heart of gratitude and thankfulness. The saved worship. They don't "go to church". They worship with the saints from a heart of gratitude. They offer of themselves, from their heart of gratitude and honor. The saved worship. The unsaved don't worship. They "go to church." and think going to church is their solution. Getting back to Jesus is their only solution and once they come to Jesus, with all their heart, worship will take place. No coercing or prodding.
The 10 lepers (Luke 17) were cleansed by following the word of the Lord, but one man realized the source of His blessings, the great gift Jesus had done for him and he returned to Jesus "and fell on his face at His feet, giving thanks to Him." (Luke 17:16) There was nothing required to come before the Lord. We see a heart moved in gratitude and wanting to give thanks. That's worship! Worship is not earning anything from God, but recognizing what the Lord has done for you from your heart.
Worship is not about us, focused on us, but on God and His great gift of salvation. True worship is offering a heart of gratitude and faith. It's not about bragging by bringing attention to all the talents of individuals. It's about the gift of God and saving us from our sins, from us. Worship magnifies God, not man. Worship is where the saved offer a heart of gratitude and it takes on great meaning. Why do you "go to church?"
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