Monday, March 17, 2014


  We call it "salvation". What does that mean? What does that really mean? For years I have known some who were afraid to think they were saved. Others I have heard say one can never know for certain about salvation until they die. What a terrible way to live. John wrote his letter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, that the "things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life." (I John 5:13)
  Salvation is about deliverance and preservation. It is being saved from some impending doom. Salvation cannot be merited. The grounds for salvation is the blood of Christ and nothing else. Salvation is not a badge that is earned and worn but a gift from God. "He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness..." (Titus 3:5) Salvation can only be accepted, received and enjoyed but never earned or merited. Salvation is by the grace of God and God initiates grace. Faith is our response to God grace. God formed the blueprint, drew the plan and initiated it through Jesus Christ. There is no other way to be saved. It is by the grace of God, your faith in Christ's redeeming work and praising God or your not saved.
  The strongest temptation within the church is to substitute this salvation we have received through Christ Jesus for a 'human-law-works' system. It is very pleasing to us to trust in ourselves, in our good deeds, in our 'I'm there every time the door is open' mind-set turning salvation into a do it yourself plan. We want in some way to trust us! That's why so many are weak and failing. The trust is not in the blood of Jesus, it is us. Too many cannot distinguish between Rom. 3:27-30 where Paul speaks that our acquittal (justification) is not by works and Jam. 2:14-26 where James speaks we are justified by works. People have a hard time realizing that Paul is dealing with salvation initially. James is speaking about the result of salvation received by faith. Two completely different elements.
  The grace of God brings us salvation, with complete 100% trust in the blood and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Just take some time and read Acts 2 again but slowly and diligent. When you listen to the message preached that day, try to find any works of human merit involved. The only involvement that day by humans were being held accountable for killing the Messiah they had waited for. People heard the charge, heard the Scriptures and it pierced their heart. The only response? "What shall we do?" Faith was asking, reaching. Peter called their faith to respond but they merited nothing but trusting in Jesus the Lord was their answer. And they received the word, responded as the word said and rejoiced!
  Do you find yourself guilty of something? Do you find yourself doubting you might not have done enough in the eyes of God? The blood of Jesus is the cleansing agent, not doing more. Once the blood of Jesus cleanses only then will you find the power to move forward in serving the Lord (Heb. 9:14). The guilty, human works people can never do enough to feel good enough. It might be today as I did something but then comes the failure and what do they do? Feel insecure, guilty and look to work their way back. No wonder they can never know if they are acceptable before God! No wonder they have little assurance and little joy! It's time to get back to the power of the gospel to save!!!

1 comment:

Pardee Butler said...

Nice article. Too many folks also view salvation as only pertaining to what happens after we die.
