Thursday, February 6, 2014

"Lesson On Elders"

  Today I want to address something that is rarely addressed and that is about elders. Many lessons have been preached, classes taught and we have gone over and over the "qualifications". I don't like that word. I really don't see where there is a list of "qualifications." You will jump and say, "I Tim. 3 and Titus 1 speak of the qualifications of elders." Are they really? Aren't  these more in line with the character of the man? This is who he is day in and day out?  It looks to me as if they are defining the "characteristics" of a man desiring to be an elder. Maybe we are splitting words but there is a difference between a man having checked off "qualifications" and a man that has the "character" of the Lord. That's just my take.
  These men we call elders are simply! They too are under the blood of Christ, serving Him with all their heart. Some have a strong mind set while others are quiet and reserved. But these men endure a lot of attacks from brethren that sometimes are unloving and unmerciful. They quietly take it! People question why some of the men are even in this position in the Lord's church. That's a question for the ages but they are in that position before the Lord. We want to throw some out, get people to rise and voice their objections. In all this, no one ever considers that the Scripture does not teach that we can throw out a man in such a position out! There are too many overseers to the overseers and that destroys God's intended purpose and spiritual growth.
  One thing I have learned over the many years is that you don't lift a hand against God's eldership without paying a price! I have personally been through that. If the Spirit of God dwells in the church, and He does (I Cor. 3:16-17), that means God is over the whole, directing the whole and Jesus is the head. If one isn't careful we can rise up against God's anointed. That's a word we need to think about.
  We see from David in early Israel, King Saul was an ungodly king but when David found himself with the opportunity to take the life of this ungodly leader, holding up a piece of the garment of this king, he spoke: "Do not destroy him, for who can stretch out his hand against the Lord's anointed and be without guilt?" (I Sam. 26:9) The Lord's anointed, even if he was ungodly was recognized by David.
  The elders are the anointed of God in His church. Yes they make mistakes but that gives no reason to rise up against them. I have found over many places and years of preaching that in every case, praying for such men and keeping the proper attitude toward such allows the Lord to work things out. They are under the mighty hand of God and if God needs them removed, they will be removed by God, not man! When elders are arrogant and have wrong attitudes, members are arrogant and have wrong attitudes, the whole becomes a mess. But when members can be humble and pray for these leaders in the church, the Lord will work good things for the benefit of the whole. That's why Peter, who was an elder in the church as well as an apostle, called on the church (especially the young men) to be subject to your elders and have some humility (I Pet. 5:5). The Hebrew writer calls for an attitude of obedience and submit to the leaders (Heb. 13:17). We are serving the Lord not man but when we find ourselves going against the anointed of God, we will find ourselves fighting against the Lord and that will be to our personal determent.


Anonymous said...

If man appoints elders, I don't see why man can't remove elders.

Anonymous said...

Amen to this brother!