Trust God! Easy words spoken but it can be difficult to do when you're the one suffering. Many want a God they can see and when they communicate, He communicates back. When sufferings hit, we really want to know what direction or what steps to take. But God is Spirit (John 4:24). We cannot touch, feel or communicate on all humans senses with Spirit. That's why so many simply cannot trust. Faith is an issue.
How do we know? How do we gain that trust? Let's start at the cross. A visible response to mankind, in view to a world at that time shouting, "God is!" They saw a man, the man Christ Jesus, take a whipping that would drive most on a downward spiral. It took Him upward. They saw a man, the man Christ Jesus, hung between heaven and earth between two common criminals but was still looking to His Father who is Spirit. Once He died, the earth shook. Graves opened. The sky turned into night. Something very different was revealed to man from the eternal Father who is Spirit speaking loudly, "Trust in Me!"
Then the reality of it all came into complete focus. Witnesses, eyewitnesses saw an empty tomb. Who raised this dead man, the man Christ Jesus? Who put life back in Him when His life was snuffed out by man? The Almighty Lord Jehovah God who is Spirit! The world was set on its heels and even as hard as man tried, Jesus Christ could not be pushed out of man's lives nor man's judgment. For over two thousand years we are still talking about Him, preaching about Him and directing peoples lives back to Him.
You want a God to see and communicate with? You have Him. God has communicated to man all man needs. We call it Scripture or God's word. Those words penned on paper for us came from the lips of God who is Spirit and sent into our world through the mediator Jesus Christ. The word of God is inspired like no other. Every action, thought and desire of God is in His word. Every thing we need to know about life and promises are in His word. Jesus is the proof and the guarantee that His word is trustworthy. Why else would He put Himself in harms way?
In your time of trial, trust God! Trials are always temporary. Ask Jesus. But whenever you are pained or in a deep place in life, remember, the resurrected Christ promises there is life beyond what you see and He's the proof. That means if someone is causing you pain with evil, you can do what is right with a right attitude because you know that someone will answer for the pain poured on the defenseless by a God who lives. There is coming a judgment day! Trust God!!!
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