Monday, February 11, 2013


  We have had loved ones pass away and our hearts hurt. If only they didn't leave us. We wish them to still be alive and well. This process has been repeated over and over. In every funeral I do, I always hurt for the family knowing they wish their loved one was still with them and we wouldn't be here saying our final good-byes!
  But we go back in history. There was that day when one died and those who were responsible for his death wanted him to stay dead. Guards were posted to keep any potential 'body thieves' away. HE AROSE! Thanks be to God, He arose. His death was a judgment against sin, our sin. The court held its session, the sentence carried out and silence for three days as the court adjourned! God spoke loud and clear about sin and its power! It had no more power. Sin and death were dealt with in Jesus Christ the Lord! The brutality of sin and the power of death tried to rule but the defeat was plain and sin would no longer reign in God's kingdom. Then came that wonderful Sunday morning when the question came: "Why are you seeking the living with the dead?" 
  I can see why so many today wonder if God really rules this world with all the suffering and pain. I can see why unbelievers might question the existence of God. But for the believer, the true believer, there is some more grand than meets the eye. Paul told the Thessalonians "if we believe that Jesus died and rose again" not to be just empty words but words of encouragement and power (I Thes. 4:14). These are words of reality. Sin and death's defeat are grasped by faith, a trusting faith grounded on the victory of Jesus risen from the grave! This is what is spoken as "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." (Heb. 11:1) We have been shown in Christ Jesus the ultimate end of all things. The end is not a death, not a grave or anything created we see. Too many times we are focused on the seen rather than the reality of the unseen. The end is Christ because He is the Life. He is the resurrection. He is salvation.  HE IS! And as He is, so are we!

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