I know what I am about to say will irk those who are overly influenced by the self-esteem message that has been preached by our society. But that's okay. We are taking too many directions from the wrong people and reading too many books from the wrong writers.
Self-esteem is for many nothing more than a false sense of security to give a quick rise in a failing world. People are told to raise your children with this world's view of self-esteem. We as adults are told to develop self-esteem. It's pump up, try to exhilarate up, give a mountain-top experience and a pep-rally atmosphere so we will rise to heights that soar above all. Sadly to say, it's nothing more than just attention to self!!! Let's not get things confused. We are not speaking of encouragement. That's something completely different. We need to encourage one another and our children but this self-esteem which many have bought into from the professional world is what is killing us. It's artificial and can take a devastating toll on many who live with this artificial life that when disappointment or hurt comes, they have little to no ability to handle it.
If we are going to be better, stronger and able to move forward, especially during difficulties, it is found solely in God and the Lord Jesus Christ! Jesus taught over and over: self must die!! That's where many of our problems lay is in self. The truth the Lord passed from His Father is if anyone is going to follow Me, then self must be denied (Matt. 16:24). Jesus taught that the one who finds his own life will lose it but those who lose their lives for His sake will find real life (Luke 9:24). Every man and woman who is a believer, a true believer knows self and Jesus cannot co-exist. Our preachers preach their egos, their positive feeling, speaking nothing negative feel-good nothing wrong with you sermons and people enjoy that because self is not challenged to exit. Parents are told how to raise children, praise them, priase them, praise them and self is strengthened from schools to homes. Jesus went right for the heart of mankind when He taught that unless a seed of grain falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone but if it dies it will bear much fruit. Self must go!
The answer to our problems is not more self-esteem but more esteeming of the Lord Jesus! Jesus is the life! Jesus is the power! Jesus is the truth! Jesus is the way! In all this, we find nothing in us. Paul said there was nothing good that dwells in him but everything dwells in Jesus (Rom. 7). The difficulties that arise in the church will be because people are lovers of self (II Tim. 3:2). We need to listen and esteem Jesus and our lives will be filled and complete!
1 comment:
Amen, amen and amen! God's people seem to move away from His word while mixing things with the world. Thanks Brent!
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