Thursday, November 18, 2010

"It's About Jesus"

The central issue in the life of a saint is Jesus! The central issue in the life of the church is Jesus! Our lives aren't about us, our wants and desires and getting attention for the church. The issue is Jesus.
Paul in writing to an unspiritual congregation at Corinth pointed to them to Jesus. Their sanctification (holiness) came from Jesus (I Cor. 1:1). The grace of God was given to them in Christ Jesus (I Cor. 1:4). They were enriched in Jesus (I Cor. 1:5). It would be Jesus alone who will confirm and make them blameless in the end (I Cor. 1:9). The preaching of the death of Jesus was the glorifying of Jesus and to some, the cross seemed foolishness (I Cor. 1:18). It was God who chose the Lord Jesus as the central point to shame the wise (I Cor. 1:20-25). Paul had one determination and one only: "For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus and Him crucified." (I Cor. 2:2)
Paul wrote to a small congregation in Colossae. Jesus was central! The word of the cross, the gospel was bearing fruit in them (Col. 1:6). It was Jesus that we were transferred into and in Jesus is the ONLY place for redemption and forgiveness (Col. 1:14). Jesus is above all, before all and all things were created for Him (Col 1:16). The church is His creation as a result of His death and He is the head of the church (Col. 1:18). It is Jesus who holds everything together and all the fullness of God dwells in Jesus (Col. 1:18-19). What was Paul's conclusion? "We proclaim Him!" (Col. 1:28). Paul taught and admonished every Christian in Christ! Great care must be taken that we aren't captivated by the ideas and thinking of others around. We need to be taken captive according to Christ and Him alone (Col. 2:8).
The conclusion to the matter: GLORIFY CHRIST! Not us, not our works, not our name, not the church, not our outreaches: GLORIFY CHRIST! We are to be to the praise of the glory of His grace (Eph. 1:6). Anything less is not of God!

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