Wednesday, February 24, 2010


The Greek word 'Gehenna' comes from the Hebrew 'Ge-Hinnom'. It is translated "hell." To the Jewish mind, the term 'Gehenna' had a significant meaning. The origin came from the valley of Hinnom, a garbage dump just south of Jerusalem. In Jeremiah 7:31-33, this valley was where the people burned the bodies of their children as an offering to strange gods. God says it never entered His mind and as a result of their ungodly and wicked practices, it will be called the valley of Slaughter and the dead bodies of the people will be there while their bodies will be food for the birds. It was known as a place where dead carcasses were piled up by God!
As one would approach Jerusalem from the south, which most people avoided this road, they would pass by this valley. Carcasses of dead animals were visible. The stench of smoldering flesh and the hideous sight of millions of worms and maggots eating on the parts that weren't burned. It was sickening and repulsive.
When Jesus spoke about 'Gehenna', this was the thoughts that would come to their mind. This was the way Jesus was illustrating the fire of hell, a place of torment and where the worm does not die (Mark 9:47-48). Listen to the following words: weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth, agony, torment, a lake of fire and brimstone and eternal punishment. These words described 'Gehenna' or hell. It seems the word of God exhausts our human language to describe how awful a place hell will be and Jesus used these words to warn.
It seems we are hearing less and less preaching about hell today. Everyone speaks of love and a God of love with little regard to punishment for those unreconciled. God's love demands justice and righteousness. If we believed in the eternal fate of those who never were reconciled or walked away from the Lord, we would be trying to reach out. We are talking about our families, our closest friends and neighbors. Everyone that is separated from the Lord will end up in this place of torment, while the worm never stops eating on their body. All have sinned. That means all deserve this eternal place of punishment and death. There is no one righteous on their own to earn a place beside God in heaven. Only through the blood of Jesus, our sacrifice, the One who paid our price in our place will we be able to escape this place of eternal punishment and pain. God spells out there are two groups of people that will find themselves in 'Gehenna.' "Dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power." (II Thess. 1:8-9)
Jesus rescued us from this place taking us into the presence of God, seating us with Him. Only those who lovingly and faithfully follow Him will continue at His side. The will be their choice and their fate will be a great tragedy!

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