The Lord has richly blessed those in Christ. All the world has received of His physical blessings just in Him giving His sunshine and rain (Matt. 5:45). Only those in Christ are blessed with spiritual blessings (Eph. 1:3). The sincere, humble one in Christ realizes those blessings and responds with a thankful heart, even in the event of difficulties. They know God is for them and He will give them strength in their weakest moment. That's just one of many spiritual blessings.
The blessings of God beget love and love gives. True godly love gives! I was told one time that one can give without love but it is impossible to love and not give. That's what love does, it gives freely and openly. Just read the first few words of a verse most can quote, John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave..." Love gives! When there is love, you don't have coerce someone to give. They want to give and help. God extended His grace to the Macedonian's and they were deeply moved by their salvation. They were in deep poverty and had a great deal of affliction but because of the spiritual blessing of grace, they had an abundance of joy (II Cor. 8:1-3). The result? They gave beyond their ability and begged to give to support the poor saints in Jerusalem. Love gives! You cannot stop true love, even when one has little. Jesus noticed the widow and her giving two copper coins, all she had and found favor in the eyes of the Lord. Love gives freely, without any prodding or pressure. Loveless people do not give! It's just that simple.
This lesson of giving was realized in the life of my 5 year old granddaughter. She came running into my office, reached up and put something in my shirt pocket. She said, "Don't look now but you can in a little bit." I told her alright and after she left, I found four coins, seventeen cents in my pocket. When my granddaughter returned, I asked her what the money was for and she smiled, kissed me and said, "Grandpa, that's for you because you do so much for me and I wanted you to have it!" and off she ran. That's when it struck me, giving is a joy in the heart of the saved and they are thrilled to help because they realize the source of blessings. It was the most valuable seventeen cents I have ever received! It made me wonder how thankful people are of their salvation and source of all their spiritual blessings? One can tell by their attitude of giving.
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